Show FOR conserving CONSER WATER hero 1 la 14 r c are olwen aleven good waya N ay iy 1 l of 1 r water according io to professor georgo george dewey clyde C R water conservator lil early irrigation all wafer flowing into tile taio valley val ky early in the season IM bo elised on oil tile land as much na as possible kit all nud and ditoh CIS must ho bo I 1 donned of till nil woods grass nud anti aher rubbish just as early as ra 19 first to reduce witter water loste losaw cc nud ld to prevent growth of reeds l for irrigating should li be 1 1 vt as large as possible in III order 1 to get over tile land in nd quickly whole ral 1 tire are using part palt pal t of I 1 stream at tile the illine it will lo bo 10 alc to I 1 0 c OIn blile uie 1110 creams 8 and allow one barnier to uso u so lilio tho whole sti tain for A shorter ehno I at the lilio head bead of every main intilli ditch 01 horo should lie iw some sort of if a 41 device so ihna a farm 1 tr or will know tiow indich water ho li to llis ills land it atoo much water la Is mei inisi of it is wasted take wro care of your irrigation wa ter or nt at night liff flit as g well is as in III tile dail day time do not amk turn tho the water onta tb tho laud land and nd eben RO go homa and go 90 to 1001 stay with your water and gulda lt ilg kupse I 1 uso ise uio the rotation rohi blon of vav tor it Is ia alie he mast economical ani ol 01 09 water waiter whore neli ench farmer ima has lili own air dent iiii nil all the line it Is a very ory waster ill practice tind ond antime lit In time I 1 will usually u klamp ills his land and uli dM it t unfit for cropping ienir keep down weeds weeds oro nio very mry heaby hc ariy gusew tot kf water I 1 and chero aswed to grow ahli rop very cry ili it 0 moisture for thaw crops to use always plant crow crops orv oil the farm according to your water supply in ili I 1 04 fier words do not plant anoro morel of crop rop than limn y yon pit deave water to irrigate o for run nin oti off wa ter 40 wi that thai I 1 it t maybo amny bo used on oil lower areas nicas never allow run nin off water to so go to waste VM short runs in I 1 irrigating where longi long nuis lire used tho the upper I 1 part of tho the land sots gets too innola anil and lio lie lower part rt no not shorter rungs will ron you to mako a more inore profitable bl dis d LI af oe tho Water r F 4 cirit call c nn find pay dafin well so BO it ho 0 ell can 11 afford to ao devote ills time to his chihos give giro him power to punish slothful irrigators and to mat oll irrigator uses use the water in ills turn only this will ivill bitable tho master to 0 limited water rafer supply in ili such 4 way that thai jt it will do 10 tho the greatest good to tho the greatest number of fa mills |