Show THE PEEVISH CHILD NEEDS NEED S TREATMENT when a child sulks drow drowsily s ilir or Is fretful ius is usually duo due to some slight disorder of the digestive organs im and a mild laxative is very often all that is necessary nee essary to restore cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits in cases cabes where the use of h a gentle effective laxative stimulant is indicated many bathe of the best physicians are now prescribing dr cal caldwelle dWells syrup pepsin peppin theis preparation I 1 is s admittedly lytho the perfect laxative ib being eln g mild yet to positive sitivi in its action on oil the bowels and jar preferable to violent caphart ics acs and purgative waters it is very pleasant to the taste and Is isan an I 1 ideal deal remedy to regulate and strengthen the stomach liver and bowels bo vels its easy natural action makes it especially desirable in the case of children a dose lat laed ed time being sure to have tile the de aired result next morning with no attendant unpleasantness or discomfort dr caldwelle Caldwell Cal dwells ls syrup pepsin is sold by druggists everywhere in goc and 1 00 bottles if you have never tried this splendid remedy write to dr W B caldwell washington st mon ti 11 cello ill for a sample he will be very glad to senda send a trial bottle without I 1 any expense toyoi to you whatever A s splendid and highly recommended remedy for tired weak inflamed eyes and anci granulated eyelids is baxtine antiseptic ti at druggists aea a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the paxton Toi Tol letCo boston mass TO OURE CUKE A COLD WONE IN ONE DAY ti tabo LAXATIVE BROMO quinino quinine tab tablets bets ats refund money I 1 it f it t falls to cure BW G groves BIB signature lson is on each h box epure blood is essential to good health Hp alth garfield tea dispels impurities dle cleanses anses ahl tho 6 system and eradicates disease wa get this ad to how F E E hook P JLe fore you 1 decorate it shows 20 pretty rooms in modern modem homes and how hovy to get the very latest designs desimms for y couf 0 ur home we will send you FREE color P blanp batis made by expert design designers drs for any zooms rooms you want to ded decorate orate the beautiful wall ivall tint rint b more fashionable thin than wall wail paper or p paint aint and cos coif lar far lesa it is too and exquisite in color to con com pare bare with any kind of goes goe s fur further their on the walls does doe not nat chip peel or rub nib off lasts f far af 15 anzer 16 tints cornea all ready to mix with cold water and put on easiest to use hill full dire directions alons in n every package pull full S lb pez white regular tints 5 csc sr U Q get the FREE book of 20 beautiful rooms write today Ala bastine company 53 cral road RM brind rapids MIA lisp ma 10 new kw york oty city resit oak water wata sat answer yes tea or no does docs your watch tell the truth it if not bring it to us its at once wo we can make it truly what time is it only ex exports opts all woric work guaranteed litto MAIN sir aalt IAK Z ary sheep M men en 1 ahon you yda market yours houi oil depo deposit it somo of your fi money faloney by y mall v 3 30 ands and ae lot t it drapper draw 4 per m cent compound inter est in a savings ac C C couett the it f r tower tow e r ol of strength streng walker brothers bankers send end for booklet t salt take lake city A rv 4 h 7 I 1 1 U A aj t t S after experimenting with many makes of incubators wo we find that the cyphers jubilee and buckeye are tho the best possible machines in ibis inte country prices from sa 8 to 55 poultry catalogue free seed co salt late lake city r 21 WT VIM 11 RUPTURE M 0 IL TN AL E seeley s spermatic shield pad do or dpn 9 the i t you groove exclusive agents for sec Seo joys leys spermatic shield truss As buted to the czar of russia and now used and approved by the united states government our dur truss titter niter tit at our no 1 store second south und west temple who was as solca solea ted with dr seeley while inthis in pity city is equipped to handle the most obstinate cases corres correspondence P ordence schramm Z johnson 0 finson detoia drus s the never fire 5 good S stores kofes salt aalt laks lake city A POSITIVE and PERMANENT CURE FOR drunkenness aad opium diseases litre is oo no publicity no sic sickness lick kneas nefi lile ladlis treated as ft privately a ai s in m their own homes homei THE KEELEY IN 3 34 W south temple street salt lake city 1741 17 1111 1 A 4 good seeds tho the it q true foundation ja MW M W kj of good crops our seed book tellson talla tell of the best seeds arid and varieties that you can groy grow in i chii western pou country our book I 1 iq free a postal card hlll aw bring you a copy better send that postal today seed co salt lake city rl w I POTATOE JL 0 potatoes Poto toca toes are a profitable crop und and gooi booi seed beed Is absolutely necessary from a high altitude wo we recently bought ten cars of Alon montana alontaga tana wid and idaho seed potatoes of the following variety bliss early triumph early rose kosc early ohio idaho murals gems russets and white price 3 cents centa per pound order early and grow erow a big crop of potatoes this year SEED CO salt lako city utah |