Show I 1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE S I 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR KANE COUNTY STATE or OF UTAH in the matter of the application of frank J rider for foe conveyance of property notice of hearing of petition for conveyance of land notice Is hereby given that frank J rider ot of kanab kan kana 3 county utah has presented to the honorable nepal J bates judge of the Dia trIet court of 0 kane county utah a petition praying that said petitioner he be decreed to be the rightful owner of a certain parcel atland of land in kanab kane county utah more particularly described as the south halt of 0 lot number tour four in block number four plat A of 0 chanab kanab townsite te survey comprised in sec twenty eight township forty three south range six west of the salt lake meridian utah and containing in all square rods and praying tor for a conveyance by said judge to said petitioner by appropriate deed ot of the above described ground in accordance with the provisions ot of section ot of the 1917 complied compiled laws ot of utah and that tuesday the day ot of august 1931 at 10 A AT has been appointed as the time and the court room ot of said court as the place at which the said petition Is to be heard IN WITNESS WHEREOF I 1 have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court this day of oc july 1931 D AT clerk ROMNEY NELSON kearns salt lake city UTAH attorneys tor for petitioner first publication july 17 1931 last publication august 14 1931 IN THE DISTRICT COURT or OF THU THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT INAND IN AND FOR KANE COUNTY STATE OP 01 UTAH in the matter of the application ot of william kin W adair tor for conveyance of oc property notice of hearing of petition for fop conveyance of land notice la Is hereby given that william W V adair of kanab kane hane county utah has presented to the honorable J bates judge of the district court of kane county utah a petition praying that said petitioner be decreed to be the rightful owner ot of a certain parcel ot of land in kanab kane county utah more particularly described as lots 1 I 2 3 and 4 in block no 13 plat A of the official survey of the chanab kanab townsite te and comprised in the NB quarter of section 28 township 43 south of range six west of salt lake meridian utah and praying for a conveyance ly by said judge to said petitioner by appropriate prop deed of the above described ground in accordance accor danco with the provisions of section ot of the 1917 compiled laws of utah and that tuesday the tha day of august agugust A D 1331 1931 at ten A al has been appointed as the time and the court room of said court as the place at which the said petition is to be heard IN WITNESS WHEREOF I 1 have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal ot of said court this day of july A D 1931 D ATTIE TIE clerk cleric romney nelson kearns salt lake lahe city utah and john IF brown of kanab utah attorneys for petitioner Pett loner ioner first publication july 17 1931 last publication august 14 1931 NOTICE OF dissolution OF partnership CO dissolution Dia solution of tho the partnership co heretofore existing under the name and style of j findlay and bunting in the tha city of kanab kane hane county state of utah la Is this day dissolved by mutual consent all persons persona who are indebted td the undersigned undersigner under signed are respectfully requested lu ested to come forward and mate make payment immediately dated at ka nab this day 1831 1931 of august A I 1 ALEX ALEK FINDLAY PRESTON BUNTING first publication august 14 1931 last publication sept 4 1931 |