Show who remembers days of old fashioned the long leacher boots and the boot bootjacks Jacks of grandfathers day ore are nearly forgotten yet it la Is within the recollection of many when both were plentiful while a few bootjacks boot jacks were cast from iron and could be bought at hardware stores the most popular ones were homemade they were simple in design just a notched board with a bunker to raise the jack end from tile floor and the other end to stand on even with a jack it was not always easy to remove a tight fitting boot that had been worn all day and had bad perhaps been wet in such an event father was likely to impress ft eon na as a human bootjack sitting behind him he be would thrust the boot between tile the boys legs and with his other foot pressed against his back generally obtain sufficient leverage to remove tile the obstinate footwear in new england fishing families where rubber boots are frequently worn one will still find bootjacks boot jacks la in use habit can bo be friend or enemy |