Show KANAB HIGH SCHOOL BAND barton manager most people of kanab have heard the high school band either this year or last y year 3 ar As you may all know our band won the silver cup in cedar city last spring and next spring this cup will be given to the winner winne again ragain we know the people of kanab would like their school to win again this year but to do this we wa need your hearty support in every way the K H S band Is better this year than ever before but still there are instruments needed which we do not have it la is not only the cup that Is to be won but the went talent of the high school will be noticed in this way the music department will get better with new interest by the people the band will gladly appear in any program tor for the asking also was are appearing in public december 19 to give the best concert ever given in kanab this will include all the music department so bo all we ask Is your support and interest to help us put the band boeras over as the best |