Show the sensitive soul some reason or other the sensitive FOR soul Is 13 enjoying a certain amount ant of favorable attention these toys days fiction writers are giving her a big blow songs are written around her the stage portrays her being sensitive au all oyer ver the place and altogether its ita considered rather smart to be sensitive but let me urge nil you shrinking young things who haunt daunt your sensitiveness ti veness about not to go to in too heavily for the new cew pose Elo wever lovely the sensitive her heroine olne sounds tn in books she lust last long ions la in real life ashes killed either by ridicule or by her companions neglect although slie site kiy nay enjoy belas being rather delicate and ani she dont enjoy being overlooked and delicately catel snubbed let her become the victim of her own sensitiveness and she wilt will never know one ease theres nothing beautiful about the sensitive soul sou who goes about the world looking for trouble terrified and hurt when sho she finds lt it watchful and resentful at not finding boding mure more llave you ever had a sensitive mead friend did you find her as a companion you did not you were on tender hooks white while with her because you knew the slightest slip on your part the slightest discourtesy however unintentional would be fatal IQ in an instant her goldbu good humor would change into a sullen resentful rage her offended soul would stir shrink etc into its and there would be bitter words heartbroken heart broken sobs and what not oh believe me one finds soon enough that its better to have no friends ut at nil all than to have them all sensitive lovely souls who fled find themselves just a bit too thin skinned for this coarse brutal world the considerate people of this world the te tender fitler thoughtful kind will hlll the sensitive plant from the cold winds of criticism and ridicule as best they can dont doat ratter flatter yours yourself bIt that youre a sensitive soul and mali malie e a practice of wincing as au an a 8 s Is supposed to behave just thank heaven that you have an average thick skin and can take your place pince among the average people of this world where all tlc aba happiest most peaceful souls realda 19 64 by th dell cata inc tic |