Show atom Y cou ak aw h and OLIVER LIVER TROUBLES coated tongue bad breath constipation bill ausness ous ness nausea indigestion digestion tn dizziness ansom ada rda a result from acid stomach avoid serious illness ness by taking august flower at once get at any good druggist relieves relieve poly P oly sweetens stomach livens liver aids aid digestion clears ars out poisons you feel fine eat anything with ith fill 16 1 I took lydia E Pin khama kharn s vegetable compound when I 1 was tired nervous and rundown I 1 saw sav the advertisement and decided to try it because I 1 I 1 was hardly able to do my housework it ic has helped me in every way my lay nerves are better I 1 have a good appetite I 1 sleep well and I 1 do not tire so easily I 1 Te recommend commend the vegetable compound to other women for it ic gives nie so much strength and makes me feel like a new person mrs lew young R f i ellsworth maine I 1 r I 1 |