Show e D ata MEW amb te 40 acl bm rat aw aim AW M th 13 eted k P ERCIE 1 30 30 ew en n V f 3 S JE IF I 1 till F birl I 1 S 8 p cro mr C Z 41 I 1 in SIM jap ta 7 SOT a f t kz 1 I I 1 shall enter no encomium upon Massa massachusetts chusett 8 all h needs no none ile there she elie Is behold her and jud judge g I 1 f for 0 r yourselves I 1 ves thor there e Is her history t the he world knows it by heart the past at least ix Is secure cure there to Is boston and concord and lexington and hunker bunker hill and there they will remain forever by ELMO SCOTT WATSON T WAS WAR just a n century ago that one of tho the greatest states statesmen merr and probably THIS THE greatest american orator uttered the words given above the seme scene was the elie senate chamber in the capitol at W washington ashington the orator was daniel webster and the occasion was tai th e debate on a resolution reio lution of inquiry respect tc i 0 ing the stiles sales and surveys of western lands introduced by senator foote of connecticut cut C in december Dee ember 1829 on jannary 19 ig 1830 senator hayne of south carolina speaking on the resolution made an attack upon the new england states who lie declared wished to check the growth of the west in the interests of the protective policy webster felt that this attack could not be left unanswered and the next day he replied to it but it was not until a week later january 20 1830 following another attack by alayne that he made the immortal speech known as ari websters reply to alayne in which he not only demolished the principle of nullification atlon but he set forth with every attribute of eloquence the nature of the union as it has developed level aped under the constitution and took the vague popular conception and gave it life and form and character in the the speech lie uttered his tribute to the old bay state elate in the words which have become almost as famous as the more important part of its ills ore oration aton even though popular conception has erroneously preserved it in the form of massachusetts there she stands I 1 in 1830 daniel webster pointed to the years of her history which the world knows by heart and now in 1030 the people of that commonwealth mon inon wealth are pointing to tier her years of history and inviting the world to join with them in celebrating her three hundredth birthday for this Is the year of the Massac massachusetts husetis bay tercentenary which la Is being celebrated in one form or another throughout the state parades pageants exhibits dedications memorials meetings receptions sports on land and water and even in the air organized tours official ceremonies in varied form in addition to important business trade tra de and industrial features are are some go of those forms already some of them have been held in one place or another as a part of the general program but the principal events will take place during the five months from june to october one of the high spots of those five months will vill be june 12 when a replica of an ancient ship named the arbella arbelin will sail into salem harbor for it was on june 12 1630 that the original arbella which had sailed from southampton england on march 22 lo 10 1030 lo 10 with passengers on board dropped tier her anchor to in I 1 solem harbor those passengers were the settlers of the massachusetts bay colony chartered by king charles cheri I 1 of england led by john winthrop governor and thomas dudley lieutenant governor iro vernor if the precious charter john winthrop was bringing with him iad find been anther than what it was the afa massachusetts 8 8 chu chuE etts lily hay tercentenary this year would he of interest mainly to the citizens of the bay state but since banc e it was what it was that celebration has national significance for foi this charter prim primarily artly a business document alm ilni in form to many of its day proved to ile he such a workable guide to action and government that it served as the direct basis for the constitution of the state of massachusetts afa and this document lu in turn was model for mapy of the later state constitutions and for that of the whole nation alore than ellen that upon this charter was the form of civil government which L guarantees to sill all americans life liberty and pursuit of happiness as witness the first in the L 26 1 6 code of one hundred laws called the body of liberties adopted by the colony of massachusetts in 1641 that article reads us follows no mans life shail be taken away no mans honour or good name shall he be stay stayner ned no ma mans as person shall he be arestad banished ed nor a any I 1 y punished no man ann shall be deprive dof of ills his wife or children no mans mana goods or estalee shall shafi he taken away from him nor anny way I 1 aged under colour bolour of law or countenance of it be by or of generall court and sufficiently published or in case of the defect of a law in tiny any particular case by trie the word and in capital cases or in case basea Is concerning or banishment according to that word vord to be judged by the generall court in july of 1030 the arbella was joined by six other ships bringing some sonie more colonists and in august it was ivas decided to move the colony from salem to Charles charleston town n and the next month ha having V found the water ft uter supply there poor they moved to the peninsula which lay to the lie south and west of Charles charlestown town there the city of boston was wag founded so another high spot in the tercentenary ry celebration will be Il boston loston week september 14 to 20 of tills this year the seventeenth being the date for the principal celebration since it was on that date that the general court of winthrops colony took the action that officially organized boston incidentally one part of the celebration bration will be the dedication of a memorial on boston common to winthrop and to william alax ton the first white settler of that historic spoilt would be impossible in the limits of this article to list all of the events in massachusetts history which will be recalled during the many celebrations brat ions which make up the observance 0 of f her tercentenary tilts this year nor to name all of tier great men who had a part in that history if it could be done at all briefly it Is doubtful if it could be accomplished better than it has been done in the words of a distinguished Plat historian orlan now a citizen of massachusetts prof albert bushnell hart of fl harvard arvard university writing an article for a massachusetts paper the Cam cambria brid e tribune early this year under the title of why massachusetts professor hart bart summarized well the glory of the old bay states record in our national annals and the interest which the tercentenary has for all americans A part of his article follows at the start tf if a person or a community has lasted ton to n three hundredth birthday the presumption Is that something must have been done in the interval intel val hence the proposed tercentennial do doe not mean an attempt to revive the experiences of 1030 nor to content itself with altti a movie of what massachusetts Is tody we are proud of our state for all the heroic deeds and grand conceptions and magnificent ent results which anve studded the history of the commonwealth during three centuries we iare arc entitled to he be proud of the physical substratum of massachusetts 1 I 1 love thy rocks and rills thy woods and hills the children of the soil have long been acquainted I 1 quain ted with the ninny many beautiful scenes of seashore and river and plain and mount mountain mid and of late our neighbors in states less seen icalla fortunate are rediscovering the same thing the indented coast with w alth its two nip capes I 1 Is s the delight of the yachtsman the 11 sherman und and the bathing person our hill villages are being teeing rapidly gobbled up because of their of site and view besides which massachusetts Is a lesson in geography since our reputed bounds once stretched a trenchant shadow over lakes anal an rivers and plains and ocklea Il and sierras to the Pact pacific massachusetts was a full grown colony thumbing its nose in a strictly constitutional manner nt at the royal government in england while atil ie new york and new jersey and pennsylvania van I 1 a a and nd the carolinas Caroll nas were still all back settlement hence bence massachusetts was able to raise a crop of american statesmen before the Livings tons and the penns and the pinck pinch and the Rut ledges had begun to bloom what a rich mouthful Is the list of massachusetts men who have become part of the national history of the united states 1 bold john smith and winning william bradford find peppery but efficient myles standish john winthrop and john endicott Endl cott and governor dudley parson cotton and president increase mother blather and the vast minded cotton mather anne the first woman in america to start a womans comans club she needed no man to tell tier her mind ann bradstreet the poetess jonathan edwards whose sermons were thought by his parishioners to be h a hell bell of a preaching sir william the treasure under finder and agnes Sur lage dage the treasure found governors arid and counsellors coun and ensigns and military commanders all these stud the history of the future united states in the pre colonval period the american revolution really began in the struggles of the gentlemen of the general court with the royal governors till all the way along from the charter of 1693 and the string of royal governors from gov sir william to governor general gage other colonial legislatures expressed their minds to and at their royal governors especially in virginia but the cyclone of the revolution first blew with violence in massachusetts and never stopped sto aped blowing until massachusetts was a state of the old thirteen massachusetts asserts no preeminence pre eminence in that great movement which began the political transformation of mankind but in the councils of the continental congress side by side with Jeffer jefferson sori of virg virginia inta and franklin of Pennsyl pennsylvania varda and pinckney of south carolina and livingston of new york glitter the names of the immortal second cousin twins john adams and samuel adams of Il ancock and warren of fiery old putt and bd manley anley first commander of a national ship of war the new dictionary of american Blo biography graphy could not do business without that couple of hundred notable number of massachusetts names in the galaxy of the revolution not men only abigail adams and mercy warren and other lovely and distinguished massachusetts women abigail adams had decided views as to the capacity of the female mind to comprehend politics and as to the dra magical question whether all men are created free arid and equal included the female part of mankind from some of those strong minded ladles ladies were descended the intrepid leaders of the woman suffrage movement especially elizabeth obeth cady stanton some of the original states prominent in the revolutionary period ran out oat of timber after the constitutional period but statesmen and other national leaders continued to blossom and fruit on the massachusetts tre tree e three presidents john adams john quincy adams and calvin coolidge Is a good allowance for a state of limited area on the edge of the continent likewise various speakers of the house it Is no boast to say that from 1701 1761 to the present day massachusetts has had a share hare in national public affairs far beyond the proportion of bf her population to the whole country |