Show glendale mrs was operated on may 24 at the iron county ho hospital at cedar city mr johnson is in cedar city with her george brinl brinkerhoff erhoff by mrs merle merl e brinkerhoff went to emery to attend the funeral serj ser j vices rices of his sister misses iris workman and elda spencer are in ephriam visiting 1 with miss workmans Work mans sister legrand spencer made a trip to hurricane this week margaret carpenter is home ati ter spending the past winter in st george attending the dixe college prank frank seaman of cedar city was in town wednesday elsie little and helen papworth of cedar city are here visiting at the home of mr and mrs andrew oleson the primary held their spring festival may 23 A very good program was wag given it was ati tended by a large crowd edna smith who graduated from I 1 the B A C at cedar city is now I 1 home i mrs A B E carpenter and daughter ella and mrs W S carpenter i and daughter kathleen athleen lC are home after spending a few weeks in salt lake city S i |