Show economic 1 19 cipp tint that aff t the alb 10 arr pil dividend check niia 4 T tux of r kirn 1 national und end IM f ft itoe b I 1 lemr necip bac from west willare it Is ia now expected that the new year ear will see the approval of all the tha industrial codes that will mean that the national reco recovery veTy administration has completed its f first irs great task at this writing 59 codes covering the basic industries have been approved one hundred thirty seven are being revised forty seven are scheduled for or early hearings by the time this Is read the retail code which was one of the most moat difficult will have been approved unless an unlooked for problem crops up most interesting feature of this code Is that it will eliminate selling at less than inventory cost 0 practice which has hag been prevalent especially among large stores which advertise leaders at less than cost in the hope that customers buying them will buy other goods on which a profit la Is made very small stores in towns of bottom bracket population will be immune to code provisions one important problem Is go going ng to be the attitude of the press heres where the recovery administration made a possibly tar far reaching mistake when general johnson excluded two reporters from his conference because he like what they had been writing about he was doing the unprecedented then he put his foot deeper by advocating a licensing system tor for papers and just about every metropolitan editor in the country ran tor for his typewriter on top of that an representative in the south called on the editor of a medium sized paper told him that it if he stop making unfriendly com comment commerton menton on labor provisions hed find himself in trouble la the editor spoke up in his paper and found the whole press most zealous supporters of the roosevelt program behind him this threatened press censorship Is vitally important and sparks are going to fly when it really comes to a head general belief Is that mr air roosevelt Is heartily in favor of a tree free press that his mistake Is in not holding tight enough rein on oil some of his assistants one tine fine afternoon back in 1913 an obscure prince was shot in an equally obscure city of Saraj evo to most of the world the event simply meant one more eca and nothing more then armies began mobilizing lights burned late lata in chancel lories the british navy set out for or maneuvers several weeks ahead of the normal time and the greatest war in history was under way matters are not especially different in europe now hillers Hit lers withdrawal of germany from the league ot of nations and the disarmament conference has sent the greatest scare since those 1913 days through premiers and emperors congresses and parliaments the hitler position Is that the versailles treaty la Is unbearable that the refusal to meet germany on an an equal basis so far as armaments especially are concerned thrusts the blame onto to the other powers and that whatever happens will be their fault position of the other powers la Is more vague than that and more confused cont used but they definitely tear fear germany theoretically she has no army savo save a small made up ot of picked men in tor for long lone terms practically she has a great army consisting of hillers Hit lers brown shirts which under command ot of schooled wehr officers Is powerful indeed her great lack Is the weapons of offense artillery tanks planes final decision may be left to france which has most at stake Is most afraid many european statesmen believe it la is time to declare a preventative war on ger pany ciany crush her absolutely and unseat hitler before she has time to prepare smaller countries are alarmed barricades are rising on the swiss frontier and her small but first class army received I 1 increased n appropriations went into in to harsh training there Is a link of nations around germany of which but one france Is gr great ea t the others however by camul cumulative active action could make it very unpleasant for hitler so tar far as the united states Is concerned these events are of only economic importance roosevelt policy will doubtless be to keep rands bands off even in case of war to pursue complete and dispassionate neutrality its Eu ropes affair and the fires are burning taster faster dally daily speaking of fires the united states has one of its own its consuming the prairie country not a literal blaze it la Is in the min minds and hearts of tamers farmers who believe the AAA has tailed failed to aid them have watched their purchasing power in many instances go sharply down while other prices went sharply up the administration ts As frankly worried as the farm strike movement browes takes in more farmers tar mera more kinda kind of products more states milo reno who can be both a fire eater and a tire fire maker came into sight again with ills his farm holiday association told his followers to buy nothing sell nothing pay no taxes and no debts until selling sellin g price at least reached cost coat price pric 0 two governors expressed themselves as aa being in sympathy with farmers strike whole future of the administration farm program Is at stake and strongest efforts will be given to bringing order from chaos |