Show LITERARY LEAR LEAGUE HAS ENJOYABLE E V E N I 1 afi the members of the ladles ladies literary league and their partners enjoyed the nineteenth birthday anniversary niver sary ot of the organization last saturday evening nov 4 at the home of mrs airs donald the hostesses tor for the evening were Ales mesdames dames donald john kitchen dell robinson osburn drown brown robert park cella celia and lloyd chamberlain A delicious supper was served to about 48 guests and the evening plent in playing five hundred during the supper president louise A kitchen gave an original poem where various activities and ami civic work done by the club during the 19 years ot of organization has been in existence were related mrs dell robinson also gave a toast to the birthday cake prizes were awarded to mr la mar afar johnson high score mr delbert riggs second high score and daniel SProat clow boore footitt mrs airs D M Tl Ti etjen high score mrs rose H hamblin second high score and mrs airs G D findlay low score tor for the ladles ladies |