Show IN A 1 I KE J NE baay X SETS IX I 1 screen grid electro dynamic v yuu ic greatest Im improvement in inyeard years H HEAR IT SEE IT READY R NOW the TRUTH about the BY THE STARS i containing e article cles of advice by such ertie sifts M JOHN GILBERT RT CLAR CIARA BOW na lar DOUGLAS OL A V FAIRBANKS T I 1 R A 1 LAURA LA PLANTE RICHARD V alk X MARY pickford RU KUPERT ER HUGH COLLEEN bloore MILTON MILTO SILLS GRIFFITH TOM MIX and fifty other the talking taking pictures are ara me waking il ing new stars star if you feel that you ou havethe have the ability ma we are interested in t the ia art ol of acting or scenario tc enario writing don dont t fail to set act this ak pr pro WM J publisher AVENUE ebur ELMHURST NEW yord VORIA CITY fiffe reay at 0 af when boar children 01 ar for it baby has little upsets at times AL your jour care cannot prevent them dut but you yot can be prepared then you yon can do what any experienced nurse would do what most physic physicians lans would tell yo you t to d do ja glye give a few drops ot of plain cast cassorla Ca storla nc sooner flono done than baby Is soothed re ilef la Is just a matter of moments yet you have eased your child without use of a single eang e doubtful doubt Cul drug castorela Ca storla storta to Is vegetable so its safo safe to uso use as otten often ns as an infant has any little pain you yon cannot pat away and its alfaye aar or the crueler pangs of colic or constipation or diarrhea effective apo for older cider children twenty five million bottles were bought last year vot for rh R h in aitho th aren I 1 linit city anter electricity J 0 i 1 N bac bak CAN T PRAISE IT ell vu ON go lydia E Pink pinkham harns aitio compound Help helped edHer her so much kingston mo 1 I 1 have not taken but lydia E Pin Pink khama bams vegetable compound tw for 18 month a and I 1 cannot it S I 1 weighed hod but about pad pounds and was not cot able to do any kind ot of work av my house worle waa done by xay and my 0 out ut of doors worie woric wag a s not done I 1 have taken four batt bottles le s of the vega vegetable compound find and now I 1 am weli well and strong nd and feel fine I 1 got IT nay OT sleter I naw to take it after her er lat bae baby cams and the is st stronger ronger now I 1 cannot praise it enough mas V IL B IV 1 kingston missouri S giving AM all win winfor fay long gukl colel tool lit C amp P splendid Moun lala vi view ti the wonder tr rufth effit W t mr u writ MW arois orois croc A ch inny ft 9 Abs absorbing will reduce edae inflamed str trU Lined ned swollen tendons tendon ligaments mata ws at and pala pain froza a ida aide bd bono a or ame no blister no hair gone cone and ad hor horse en be used nied taco at t druml st or scribe your cu for or special inspru In eions horse book iree prom from it A race c borse bore owner used A on en a 0 with albine arbine tendon colt laar neu h for or uko nates Grot e taw taff clasil aut business training pays tast last year we placed more than 1000 in good positions we can place you when competent when will you be ready SJ S J lor to sua j catalog behnke walker business Busi college alth md and salmon streets street po portland artland oregon f fu sva jmj salt lake city directory cullen rn r N hotel botel I 1 vita fred J Lot Ij conord onard manager pol paul asat mar her meet your old friends at the cullen cafe and cafeteria 33 W sad id so st salt bait lake city atall CULLEN GARAGE 37 wet west go 80 STORAGE AND SERVICE a 6 ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS artlee and abr acry B e temple st at at 11 balce city utah luh rt 0 6 do box 2666 ac 2411 j g av lops and pr ct f furnished on re W N U salt lake laka city no 29 1929 to read more Is to 0 o learn moro more all dooks at prices well send bend them COD it if you jov SIRY eay CO DESERET nam COMPANY 44 fast south temple st 81 mccune of mu music sic and art ad faculty it ct eminent ketchem n loading an intermountain r no lion MW Dr armati mati art Dajic lna too north uala ual L fit bt city stools Col columbian bian optical C co oe so main soft sait lake city butak utah opp ealta Po Pos tomes canses fri Artif artificial iclal duplicates Duplica tea eyes SC scientific c eye examinations send us your brok broken en glass for work returned same sama day av lit tic im cail 42 main street SALT LAKE CITY room a single without amb I 1 per pt day ay tt III to atu roual without oath aday IW IK lio oioi blasts SIngla with ditth per day dayal GO to 00 no ii how double ble with bath per damoo dr MOO to MW IS W all depot street cars cara pass tho the hotel opposite notel hotel je BS dr C L evens optometrist BYES EXAMINED cross eyes eye straightened fitted 11 east zad SALT LABI all chaa pipe valves Fiffi fittings AND D USED toa AW ANY 1 SALT LAKE PIPE CO I 1 05 W sixth south st salt lk lake city puteh SERVICE GARAGE 0 w nay KAY 7 1 lit 11 aru ell el l gaj guilt A so bo and blain falb lako 0 newhouse notel hotel used pipe fittings I 1 newly ItUrea ded and coupled tor for all 11 ll turf 1 monsey iron iran and metal co Cc so 3rd ard amt IWI bah lolia lake city allak lmh ift I 1 C a L S r fava 16 zaw ARROW URD BRAND irr r th thoa who bo want the tb at cu co ISALT BAXT BAX T criar commonsense COMMON SENSE 1 SCHOOL 0 beauty culture pmj nent waving with our complete lourae borr you can work in ar shop chop b E n 2 let go 80 WM was BOSS bar bait As to and sup piles nd church furniture 1 aloneo asp ar and nd Bupp lle pull e line of S WD orji paper etc to oldest and nd largest school supply 4 rit hb 1 in the th aweau WB SCH duprix CO 00 IBS bo state egnet dalt bait lake ili city WILL for efficiency Effi clencY and service vi tue t gill ring nay eay DA day y nil adraw head bead king plax pion easco broke lining cal PISTON MING co 15 zt eat ath south sale sail lake city THE physicians SUPPLY CO Is 18 west 24 2 4 S south uth sol salt lake city TRUSSES stocia K abdominal supporters maternity supporters Bup chairs crutches Cru 10 cane a sur burtice tice 1 instruments nd hos ll su for pool tables and supplies lle and ad T d I 1 la show mow and store FLit fixture ures corb work write W I 1 0 W so tempi salt ea city keep your money tn in the she west ind and buy HAWK BRAND work clothes manufactured by PYKE al FG CO salt lake liah 4 choose a profitable vocation darji I earn tho the bety aultum boum by bj a r inao tbt b ha tabt W bow to eam dlo ai loMar catalog eat taah 13 rall iran THOU nian OV BEAUTY EAury ii salt bait laho city drw PLAIN abac MACHINE slING stady alti 1 ate work whole or part time weekly pay no selling write writ today eclo t tempo corp 11 W St sant NT |