Show RADIO RECEIVING INSTALLED B beauty beauty of car will N not be marred by new equipment motoring over smooth stretches etches of highway to the tune of your favorite jazz band to Is a dream which will be realized within the next 12 mo months SL mayer vice president of the american motorists association nad and president of the automobile club of illinois predicted in ID washington the other day A few months ago a prediction that a automobiles ot of the tha future will be equipped with radio receiving sets bets would hare been considered extravagant sir air mayer r declared at the present time however such la Is nota the case for already one company hakan has announced that it la Is ready to go into the production of receiving sets specially constructed tor for automobile installation many uses of radio the T e uses of radio seem to be without 0 ut limit dy by signals transmitted over ever radio waves airplanes are dispatched ships communicate with other ships and with the shore passengers on moving railroad trains speak directly with their homes or offices and policemen pat patrolling roling ng large cities in moving cars tire are given notice from their headquarters of the commission of crimes these are actual accomplishments ments engineers have found a way to shield the receiving set from the in interference ter of ignition systems in automobile U a to and airplane engines and have also discovered a 8 method of overcoming noises generated by the moving car or plane through the use of a filter falter not even the beauty of the car will suffer through the radio installation for engineers have found that it Is possible to place the be antenna in the root roof of the car with the loudspeaker loud speaker concealed in the framework of the body distract drivers Dr lver attention lon there la Is one serious objection however t to 0 t the he installation of radio receiving sets in automobiles vice president mayer points out the driver might become engrossed in some entrancing melody or sooth soothing ing lul lullaby laby and neglect his bis duties at the wheel it can hardly be expected that the installation of radio sets seta in automobiles mobiles will proceed unchallenged by law for this reason |