Show I 1 highlights economic that aff d the th pl alix ner liall lit ll dividend d d tux tax hill of lwe evry individual adl ual at national I and 1 international arob lein icons inseparable sepi froan irv local vulture I 1 ever since match march 4 things have hava been humming at washington anil and ot of late there has been a noticeable acceleration president roosevelt described ono of his late weeks as being the most exhaustive since lie he took office the strain of course is mental as well as physical lie he has an army of advisors but he must make the last decision in every case and will get the blame it if it Is wrong A recent week went something like this dispatched warships to culla cuba and with drew diew them when need had passed speeded I 1 le edo covery vory program and approved steel oil and lumber industries codes approved a number of farm relief plans and worked on details of paying benefits to farmers reducing cotton crops got public works program moving more smoothly and rapidly decided to abandon several army posts in interest of economy made important diplomatic appointments held conferences feren ces on oil for inflation and studied economic trends made madd plans for extending civilian conservation corps through winter arranged tor for opening negotiations with wi th latin american countries on r reciprocal cpr al tariff agreements agi cements in addition dd tio I 1 the president must make innumerable less important decisions ci cis meet many callers go through a stiff and unavoidable routine that la is part of the chief executives job the resignation of chief brain truster raymond haymond moley must be classified as one of the most dra matt marlc of recent washington events 4 put but theres no particular surprise element in it friction between mr moley and his chief secretary hull had grown to great size breaking point was tile world economic conference where mr moley seized the spotlight made statements 7 which were entirely at odds with the viewpoint ot of mr hull political commentators began forecasting the eventual resignation ot of one or the other then a good many thought that mr hull would be the one to use the exit he probably r would have had not mr moley sent in ills his resignation mr next job will be to edit a new weekly magazine w which lit c h w will I 1 11 b be e principally dedicated to analyzing explaining and furthering Roosevel eltos ts policies during the recent weeks week 8 there ties has been observable a slight alight let jr down in general business its nothing to get excited about however and Is much less intense than the tha customary Stor nary seasonal drop best late progress has been made in promoting doting due both to increased industrial activity and r the drive secretary of labor perkins announced that industrial workers obtained jobs between march 4 and the middle of august four hundred thousand new factory joba appear appeared pil in july during may and june the number ot of families receiving public charity dropped from to employment la Is about 21 per cent greater now than last year at this time only major industrial group to show decrease Is tobacco manufacturers rs |