Show THE DOLE the depression has brought us many evils of more or less do unemployment ant with tile the associated sorrow and sufferings suffering but ono one of tho the most destructive forces that we tire are combating at this time is what is known as the dole there may bo be times when charity is beneficent when lt it is necessary to save people from starving but unearned rewards are often dangerous anaw hen one acquires a habit of accepting such favors the tendency to depend upon them grows on one with perilous tenacity one of tile the most important factors in the growth and development of human life is the struggle associated with it lie he effort required to win the rewards that we seek the work essential to earn the comforts of life and when when the necessity to struggle disappears body mind and soul gradually disintegrate muscles become soft and the brain sluggish it is the struggle in life that makes man courageous courage oua and strong that builds character manhood and womanhood the fight to live that Is what sustains life conquering the difficulties with which wo we come in contact is tho the source of real human power the fighting instinct the sprit to contend the struggle for tile the things we want in life those are what build and develop superior citizenship the dole is not unlike a drug that lopes dopes mind and body the morale slowly disintegrates tho the need to struggle no lie longer exists you do not have to work or worry about the future feed tho the hungry I 1 that Is our duty there is not a community in the land that cannot find labor ot of some kind which can be performed by those ablo able to work any kind of work is bettor better than none when a man who is accustomed to liard hard work finds himself on the dole lie ho becomes spiritless loses ambition enthusiasm and lie he ultimately degenerates into a dull human clod there is nothing in life worth while without constructive activity there is a remarkable difference between the value of money that you have definitely earned and that which comes to you as charity although tile the buying power of each may bo be the same that which you have earned you appreciate to the last degree the dole must bo be continued whore where necessary but its demoralizing moral izing influence should be recognized and avoided as aa much as possible to find work of sonic some kind for those these unfortunate members of society should be an insistent at all I 1 times bernarr Macfad macfadean edn |