Show ANCESTRY OF THE GREAT SALT LAKE although its macid waters belle tile the fact that it was ever anything but an inland saltwater altwater salt alt water sea great salt lake was anciently a frosh fresh water body with an outlet to the pacific ocean this was told to tos avants from all over america by PrO professor feasor hyrum schneider of the defa department ariment ot of geology university of utah who delivered a lecture on oil the ancestry ot of great salt lake as a feature of tile the convention sessions of the american association lor for the advancement van cement of science pacific division held on the university campus recently three hundred forty six miles long and miles wide with a depth of 1000 feet lake bonneville had bad an area of about square nilles miles about the size of lake huron and ten times us its large as tile the area of great salt lake the lake was named after captain benjamin bonneville by grove IL gilbert first geologist completely to chart the outline ot of the ancient inland sea the lake stood at this level dr schneider said long enough to cut a shore terrace feet wide in quartzite a very hard metamorphic rock then with increased ture lure in the tha area the lake rose from aiom this level known as the 13 eville level olid and developed an all outlet at red rock pass at the north end of cache valley for a comparatively long time the bako discharged abarge a large volume of water to the pacific ocean by way ot of the snake and columbia rivers this copious discharge of water continued until the channel and ike had had been lowered feet then the actual phenomenon of occurred the rainfall and other moisture conditions because of changes tor for a drier climate mate were no longer able to maintain the lake at this dise discharge harge level and it dwindled to its present size by dessi cation although the climate was colder than now with attendant glaciers in the wasatch and uintah mountains such animals as the musk ox mountain sheep horse camel and mammoth lived along its shores according to dr schneider |