Show intermountain news briefly told for busy readers Ite aders TUCK SEEDLINGS FOR ROADS TEN PER CENT NEW COUNTY infalt MARY DAIRY ghouls MALAD ina IDA it Is reported that much idaho grain is being held on the faring for higher prices leair LI hiir UT UTA A 5 year old child set fire to a barn hero resulting in ill the loss logs ot of tho ilia building dl savini 11 UT avrom ono one of tile local checking Stat stations lons nearly 1700 deer hunters entered the nearby national forest this season PROVO UT Tuil CiS for tho the eastern markets are aio on oil their way to fill tho the thank thanksgiving ovens ov fIls returns to tile growers gio eis fire not yet known M most 0 at of tile the bird will RO go or on consignment con gill nent federal reports indicate it ton tell per cent increase in the number of 0 birds available its 13 compared with list last year nil and reports to to tile state board of agri agrical cul tuio lure lend lead to tile the bellef belief that the increase er rise will bo be nt at least that largo large UT A modern county infirmary to accommodate more than to BO persons was waa fissured for carbon county comity with the closing of 0 it deal whereby lioi oby the he property on which tho infirmary Is now located will bo be traded tor for a nere acie site west of t the ie C cairon a rajon country club chib SALT LAKIA CITY UT OT organ ii atlon of nn nil association of state dairy groups on a cooperative basis Is announced by tile tho cam execute 0 secretary of the utah state faun farm bureau the association will lie a a state wide one and the several groups will cooperate with each other in ili the development and operating of tile the dairy business in their respective localities SALT CITY UT TIT tux tax payments in october amounted to ga compared with will aol aal in october of 1031 1 N UT TIT A rat poison poisoning ing drive has fins been conducted here ns its a part of the unemployment campaign MURRAY UT CO men will be put to work when the local smelter reopens in the near future MILFORD UT 30 20 ihnen have been put to work on the roads near here LEWISTON IDA IV IT II lane 77 drowned browned jn the clearwater water pr while lille attempting to wade from nn island to flinte ito ile clung to a wire attached to a stump on oil if alio island but lost ilia hla hold when tile the cold water milter numbed ills his hands POCATELLO IDA it K R moore was killed instantly when thrown from a truck which he was driving and attempted to turn a sharp curve near mccammon Cammon BIc BOISE IDA the first nation nl al bablo of idilio lias has opened its doors along with its string of banks in sontheim son thein idaho idabo find eastern custom oregon this makes available to depositors po ton ten million dollars in deposits tied up tip for two months since tho the closing of the banks SALT LAKE CITY UT Exper id iturea of state road funds fo for r october totaled tills this total Is one of the largest expended during any month for road work la in the history lil story of tile the state because of need for malre make work and unemployment relief an unusually large vol v 0 I 1 ume lime of roadwork roa dwork Is being carri carried ed to completion before cold wather weather sets seta in and makes it empra impracticable elf cable to carry cairy it on SALT CITY utan UT an effort will be made at an early session of congress to obtain an appropriation of to settle the claim of tile the uintah ouray indiana against the government it la Is announced by the assistant commissioner mon e r of indian affairs the money 1 Is d duo the indians indiana for lands taken from the reservation and placed in the national forest MOSCOW IDA idaho is one of the eight states in the ilia which is classified as a modified accredited tuberculosis ared area there are less than one halt half of one per cent of the cattle la in this state infected idaho cattle are tree free from tick feyer fever and practically free from anthrax and sept septicemia icema tb the largest losses to dairymen dalry nien result from brings bangs abortion and garget LOCIAN UT about forest tree seedlings will be available f for 0 r distribution to utah farmers for planting next next spring from the forestry department nursery at the utah state agricultural collego college these small trees are arc of 33 13 varieties which have proven adapted to conditions la in this territory CHEYENNE WYO A wyoming er ertry entry try miss domino domano stanway dvir was judged senior champion hereford Ile reford cow among entries at th the e ak sar ben stock show at om omaha aba OGDEN UT DT A report from the offices of the amalgamated sugar company here is that approximately pounds of concentrated phosphate was used this season by beet growers contract contra ct to the company in utah idalio and montana tana |