Show GRAY TO BE SMART FOR WINTER WEAR there Is increasing talk of gray and of how smart it isato isito to be this winter tills this Is good news to those who like the color and love to wear it so far however it remains in the high fashion class rather than in that of the so a o called popular colors gray Is never a color to be worn generally ns as it a matter of fact it Is not particularly becoming to all women and not always very practical but it Is a very exquisite color for those who can wear it in tile the right way wearing it the tha right way means wearing it with the absolutely perfect accessories tor for it Is ensler easier to spoil a gray costume it seems to me than one of any other color for one thing gray must be decidedly elegant or it has no character and everything that goes with it must be to in keeping it if accessories are to match they should match 1 perfectly or be of a shade eno enough ugh darker so BO that the difference will be recognizable and not just look like an off color |