Show NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE in the sixth judicial district court in and tor for the county ot of kane state of 0 utah the federal land bank of berkeley a corporation plaintiff vs david L pugh and alrinda C pugh hla his wife charles it 11 pugh administrator of the estate ot of edward K pugh deceased tha kane national farm loan ass association 0 c cia tion r BI corporation first doe do e second doe third doe and fourth doe defendants notice under and by virtue of an order of 0 f sale and decree 0 of foreclosure foie closure issued out 0 of the district court of the county ot 0 t kane ka no state of utah on the day of september 1832 1932 in the above aboa e entitled action wherein the federm land dank bank of berkeley a corporation the above named plaintiff ob talked a judgment and doc decree roe against david L pugh and amanda 0 pugh the wife ot of said david L pugh two 0 of the he t defendants on the day ot of september 1632 1032 which said decree was on the day 0 of october 1932 recorded in judgment book A of 0 paid bald court at page 1 1 1 am commanded to s sell ell all ehst certain lot piece and parcel ot of land ot of utah and bounded and particularly described as follows to wit the southeast quarter the south halt half of the northeast quarter the north morth halt half of 0 the southwest quarter of section 33 township 43 south range 5 west salt lake base and merl dlan containing acres acres more or less les fa together with all rights ot of every kind kin d and nature however evidenced to the use 0 of water ditches and canals tor for irrigation ot said eald premises also with ru ral r U tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining and notice Is hereby given that on the day ot of november A D 1932 at the hour of 12 noon of sal said d at the west door of the county court house at kanab kane county utah I 1 will in obedience to said order of 0 sule bale and decree of tore fore closure sell the above described property orso much thereat as may b be 0 necessary to satisfy plaintiffs judgment with interest thereon and costs coats to the highest and best bidder tor for caboth in gold coin ot of the united states dated dated october 3 1932 I 1 U chamberlain sheriff of kane hane prunty utah 1 by J M johnson deputy richard NV young and john F brown attorneys tor for the plaintiff date first publication oct 7 1932 date last publication oct 28 1932 |