Show roger W toll of yellowstone national park pack and P P superintendent of zion and bryce national parks have spent the past week in ia examining the dolob canyon cedar breas breaks and johnson canyon regions of 0 southern utah to determine whether or not these areas or any ol of them should be made into national parks or should be left as they are now after careful care tul consideration of all the information obtained the park officials a f will make a report to mr air al AI bright head ot of the pate service and mr gurr and mr air parkinson will report to mr air stewart Stew arti head of the forest service these two in turn will report to the secretary or oe agriculture and secretary of the interior and if tiny action Is desired they will report to the public lands committee of at Con congress greAs tor for action no statement as to what should be idone done was made by the visitors but it Is assured that ellery everything thing will be considered before the report Is rn made ado As far as the cedar breaks wea rea Is concerned it Is merely a matter of at determining whether it would best serve the public to take it into the park service or cleaye it under the jurisdiction of the national forest service benefits that southern utah has gained from both the park and forest service during the past ten years are such that people need not worry about the administration of this area no matter which velch course is taken iron county record the boys boya of the ac K H 8 and junior high aresa are sa present taking a good deal of interest in tennis some soma very interesting playing have been going ow on ut fit the high school auditorium ernest hirak the coach in athletics this year la Is to be commended for the war he is is hand handling lins the sports union meeting of at the kanab stake will be held at nanc kant b next sunday october 23 aliss afton brown who has been employed at the VT park hotel was waa brought to kanab last tuesday eyen evening october 18 with a badly infected hand due to running a sliver 1 in 11 1 her finger after receiving medical attention her condition was much improved and she la Is now recovering recover ins nicely mrs irene carpenter and baba baby y or oc glendale were la in kanall last saturday visiting relatives W V IV adair who has been at st george tor for some time has come back to kanab to spend a few weeks miss atton afton hamblin left last tuesday tor for VT park where sho eho will remain a tew few weeks I 1 delos mcallister McAll lster ot of salt lake city was ima in kanab the first of the week hillcrest Hlll crest closed I 1 ed for this season with a grand ball last friday night the temperature in the tha atmosphere fell several degrees although up to to tuesday frosts were but slight blight reports have come coma from export expert authority that tile the r animals in this locality are putting on a heavier coat ot of fur a month earlier than usual asua usua 1 to jame people this indicates that we are going to have a very cold nod and severe winter mrs alps lyle bringhurst who lias has been at visiting relatives returned to annab kanab the first ot of this week mrs alta J robinson Hobl gave r cn 21 interesting r te resting paper on prohibition last saturday afternoon at the republican study club after which w an interesting discussion followed mrs laura broadbent who has been ill la Is slightly better quito quite an op epidemic idemia ot of colds aud and la ia grippe Is prevalent in kanab several adults and many children are reported as being the music department of the 11 it 11 S will give a 1 program at assembly fails afternoon friday october list T Ilay haycock cools forest ranger of widtsoe spent tho the week end visiting relatives and friends at ranall ricaard S mcallister who went to st george a tow few weeks ago to spend the winter was wag in chanab kanab the first ot at this week wro wm rust brought mrs rust to chanab kanab kat izat we week ek with a bad case ot of lagrippe after receiving careane care and remaining in town tor for a taw few days she had recovered sufficiently by tuesday morning to return to the hotel at VT perk mr air and mrs 0 6 0 dowman bowman went to deaver beaver last saturday to attend the convention of the associated civic clubs of southern utah the do boy Y scouts ot of amab went on a treasure hunt last thesda tuesday y evening after aft the hunt was a over ve r the boys accompanied by scout master 0 C bawman and 1 I 0 brown went to the cove core north of town and enjoyed a stew and peanut supper it was reported at chanab kanab that eight inches of snow fell ell at cedar city last monday night the samo saine night between two and three maclea Inc liest also fell at VT park on the kaibab mrs odell julander and her little daughter GAII left for or the north last wednesday mrs airs julander will spend a few weeks visiting liAs before returning to barab kanab |