Show SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT by F A 1 WALKER CHEERFUL SOULS SOUL S agard HATO VINt it may be regard to the happiness of the world tit nt large tle tile cheerful soul who through the sui skinnier suin nier ritner hent heat and tile lie winter cold continues to wear a smiling face la is a spectacle most ot of us like to behold heli old theres the little mother with two tio children famed tor for ravenous appetites who must be hurried out of f bed in the morning bathed groomed gio orned and breakfasted in time for school sc tool which she sonie somehow how manages to do without once losing tier her smile and there Is yet another gawky overgrown child the father of tier her family with whom she has to deal more forcum ly jealous of at his own flesh and blood who at times tries her sorely but with her natural apsit aptitude ude for management she wheedles him film till into a E submission u b without losing tier her cheerfulness and thus saves the day to gladness and sunshine she leads taho way by a look 0 of happiness and a dozen trifling manifestations fe of love while tins this dour boy of tiers hers gazes in admiration nt at her fine display of diplomacy and wonders in tits his dull brain whence came her beneficent power it Is not impossible for him blin to understand der stand his mixed emotions but being subservient to the temperate tyranny of hl wife he yields centhy RS as ill all good gaid husbands bus banda learn sooner or later to do and the cheerful soul marches forth in triumph h I 1 conscious that she la queen if the world would once catch this effervescent spirit of cheerfulness and appropriate it to general use we of the grumbling sort might in a little while ond find ourselves in an e archly i paradise of our own ma making kin 9 the courts with their stern j judges adges would be empty the prisons u would lack occupants and half of the s sorrows 0 r of mankind would no more be known the essence of cheerfulness la is kindness nothing more nor less even ailments of the body and mind psychoanalysis psycho analysts will tell you ore are largely influenced by the warmth of the cheering fire that la Is often kindled in the soul by a mere spark of falth faith such ns as the little mother carries always within her knowing when to use it and when to turn a drear gray morning into a season of rapturous delight reaching deachin g up to the glad heavens themselves 0 0 by mcclur craper wr aper syndicate |