Show news notes it its Is a privilege to live in UTAH ft SALT LAKE utah farmers produced d in crops during 1928 while the livestock products totaled a total of 0 PROVO nuo duo to the late season very little small fruit has been ship pod pad out of this city during the tha past quarter which ended juno june 30 20 no ac cordin to Postin postmaster hater john P of tile the provo office and as a result the receipts tor for the quarter tor for the office have fallen off SALT LAKE the first car of 0 cherries to be shipped chipped out of utah this season left salt lake at a in tuesday oyer the denver rio grande western railroad for or chicago the car was billed by smith H hancock an i ot of chicago and was made up of 0 the windsor orbs arbs varieties LOGAN utah and southern idaho led the field among section ot of the twelfth federal reserve reserva district tor for increased volume ot of retail trade during the first five months ot of 1929 it is reported by the federal reserve bink bank of san franc francisco isco this section reported an increase of 3 S per cent over the same period in 1928 with the arizona nevada and california district reporting a 31 per cent increase GARLAND the bonded warehouse nt at garland Is nearing completion it Is expected to be finished about the in middle tildIe of july A committee from the lions lion a club 0 of f a garland aria n 1 I la Is plana planning lug a celebration to take place about july 20 the committee has announced that the big floor wll be polished for or dancing and efforts will be made to secure a 11 piece orchestra for the occasion MYTON the outlook for a good crop of superior quality of honey is very promising for the season of 1929 it la in reported several of those who are interested in this industry have increased their stands of bees over that of last year which will result under normal conditions in an increase of production many of the alfalfa fields are now covered with blossom and the bees are busy harvesting the seasons crop UTAH vacant land in utah by state or individuals totals acres this ehla year corn com pared with acres on june 30 1928 ell F taylor regi register local government land office announced re bently in his annual report since july 1 last year the local office odea has ha received homstead filings cover i ing r a total ot of acres and to date data ball 1 entries covering an area oli of acres iare are banding PAYSON now airport situated just south of tile the payson sen lor high school Is ideally located ac cording to a representative ot of the united states depart department departie me nt of corn com merce with headquarters at salt lake who inspected the new runway and held field plenty large for the need needs of 0 the city at the present time with go good 0 d sod tor for landing and easily dis nible due dua to being situated on an elevated section ot land the airport Is tar far better adapted than the average it was declared VERNAL at their meeting tune june 30 the of uintah county instructed the county clerk to notify a large number of oc recent homesteaders ste aders on Dl diamond amond mountain to remove the fences they have built across old established roads that run the lands covered by their entries these thesa fences are said to have been causing considerable hardship to old time settlers diamond mountain has a large lev level elarea area of excellent spring range that adjoins the ashley national forest I 1 CEDAR CITY roads throughout southern utah and northern arizona generally speaking are in better condition than for a number of oc years year the least desirable road Is that connecting rockville utah with fre donla ariz especially is the 60 50 mile a trip strip through arizona alizona in poor shape little apparent effort being beang put fort forth h by the southern sister state to bulla or maintain its lateral arterial the zion mt carmel road Is ready tor for the opening of this important cutoff cut off on november 1 CITY brigham city of julala did some extensive experimenting last fall and early this spring in determining the log ot of the fields of 0 mantua with respect to the underground water mater supply there the tha best log revealed love aled approximately feet ot of water beating gravel lu in a toot foot depth plows flows varying from 20 to BO 50 gallons per minute from a three inch pipe were obtained which gave favorable indication tor for pump wells As a result of these experiments brigham city has entered into contract with ferris gardner water well drillers drillars dr illers ot of california who are operating in this vicinity tor for the sinking of A 14 inch inside diameter casing bog feet beet in depth OGDEN reporting porting improved range conditions la in the fishlike fishlake FIsh lako lake forest reserve C M woods assistant district forester with offices at ogden returned recently from a 10 days trip to southern utah durin during g my visit to the Flah lake reserve said mr woods 11 1 I found tho the ranges in general have made considerable improvement since mr visit there tour four years ago oft the other hand there Is evidence ot of had bad conditions in some parts dua chiefly to the practice of early ini ing too many stock and poor management in years past only by very cretul t handling bandling will it bo possible |