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Show Highway Patrol Records Heavy Activity Sergeant Robert Reld, in charge of the district office of the Utah Highway Patrol located at Cedar City and serving the three county coun-ty area Including Iron, Washington Washing-ton and Kane County, reported on the 1953 activities of his unit which reveals some Interesting and unusual figures. The district office which Includes In-cludes Sgt. Reld and six patrol-men patrol-men including Elroy Mason, Cedar Ce-dar City, Gordon Farnsworth, Pa rowan; J. A. Snow, St. George; Julian Fox, Vahington; Merrill j Johnson, Kanab and Norman Anderson, An-derson, Ordervllle, patrolled a total of 210.G10 miles during the year Just ended,, the report indicated. in-dicated. During the 12-month period a total of 2,837 people were contacted con-tacted for driver violations under the Utah traffic code and total assesseed lines from the violations viola-tions amounted to $27,071.50, which was turned Into county and city treasurers In the three county area. A total of 230 accidents were Investigated during 1958. Of this total 12 were accidents Involving fatalities; 06 Involved personal Injury and 1C0 were property damage accidents. During the 12-month period radar ra-dar patrolling was operated a total to-tal of 69 times in various localities locali-ties In the area; a total of 21 blockades were erected and manned; man-ned; 31 automobiles were compounded com-pounded and the group of patrolmen patrol-men participated In a total of 33 safety programs and talks. Throughout the year a total of 11 in-training schools were conducted con-ducted with one or more representation repre-sentation from the district at each school, Sgt. Reld Indicated. Forty-four warrants were served serv-ed by highway patrolmen Including Includ-ing drivers license and financial responsibility pickups. In addition to the above mentioned men-tioned duties the officers participated parti-cipated In 101 special details which Included, amomr other things, school bus Inspections, emergency blood runs, state safety safe-ty garage inspections, convoys, funeral processions, etc. In detailing the year's actlvl-t!"K. actlvl-t!"K. Sgt. Reld pointed out one specific field of Investigation for the year, violations of which were turned over to city officers and officials to handle and prosecute. pros-ecute. As an attertnought the Sergeant Ser-geant also compiled an Interesting Interest-ing report that indicated that the seven men of the district put In a total of 1890 overtime hours non-compensation time to handle han-dle the program. It was further pointed out by Sgt. Reld that money derived from fines on cases cited by the Highway Patrol does not go back Into the state. County and city governments levy the fines, make the collections and keep the money derived therefrom, 1. e., the $27,000 that was collected by counties and cities In this district dis-trict Overall the State Highway "Pa-trol "Pa-trol turned In more than $50,000 more than was spent by the state to maintain the department depart-ment by the state, he stated. |