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Show v True Christmas Spirit ; Expressed By Cedar Residents It was Just about a year ago this Christmas Season that the true spirit of Christmas was shown in our beha'f. You all know the wonderful Christmas story of Miracle on 34th St in New York but an even greater miracle took place here on 400 West in Cedar City when you people here in southern Utah area gave so freely and unselfishly unself-ishly of your time, labor and mony to build this beautiful horre we are now enjoying. Many of you we don't even know personally and haven't had the chance to thank in person and what is more many of you who didn't know us lived and practiced that wonderful principle princi-ple that Christ taueht when he was here which Is 'It is hotter to give than to receive." He certainly cer-tainly knew what he was talking about That is why this time of year when our hearts and thoughts are turrcl to ethers and of Wow we can make them happy hap-py we find ourselves happy also. To each one of you Zelda and I express our love, thanks and appreciation for a Job well done. ' You can never know the happiness happi-ness and Joy we received from this lovely home and how grate-ful grate-ful we are to you all for it We ; ; feel completely undeserving of . such love and unselfishness as . this. Incidentally if anyone does- ; n't believe in Santa Claus Just . come down to our place for he .' truly came here. Merry Christmas ' : to All. ; Bos and Zelda Eager |