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Show Accident Victim Remains Serious, Two Recovering James H. Urie, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Urie, who was injured in an automobile accident on Christmas Christ-mas eve, is reported to be slightly Improved at the present time, but still in a very serious condition. Kern Bulloch, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bulloch, also Injured in the accident has recovered sufficiently suf-ficiently to be removed to his home, and Roland Esplin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Esplin, third victim of the accident, is receiving treatment treat-ment at the hospital for a broken leg, but Is reported to be recovering rapidly. The three young men, injured when the car In which they were riding plunged over an enbankment Into the waters of coal creek about two miles up Cedar canyon, narrowly narrow-ly escaped death from shock and exposure when the car rolled Into the icy water. Urie and Bulloch were unconclous and Esplin is credited with having saved Urie's life by holding his head out of the water until help arrived. Although suffering suf-fering from a fractured thigh Esplin Es-plin managed to reach ,Urle, but could not drag him out of the water but was able to keep his head above the water. It was the merest chance that the wreck was discovered. Mr. and Mrs. Rayx&abln, and Mr. Sabln's brother, riding in the canyon noticed the tall light of the wrecked car In the creek bed, and stopped to see what the light was. As they rolled the car window down they heard Esplin calling for help and rushed to their aid. The men were In the water from ten to fifteen minutes before the Sablns arrived, and the cold added greatly to the shock of the accident. Urie suffered a fractured skull, scalp lacerations ,and internal hem-morhage, hem-morhage, from which he seems to be recovering very slowly. Bulloch suffered severe cuts and lacerations, while Esplin suffered cuts and lacerations la-cerations In addition to the fractured fractur-ed thigh. The accident occured at about 10:30 pjn. December 24th as the car driven by Mr. Urie failed to negotiate ne-gotiate a turn and plunged about 40 feet Into the creek bottom. |