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Show BINGHAM FIREMEN HAVE GREAT II III . First Joint Meeting of Year Well Attended Offices For New Year Elected School Faculty Give Interesting Program-Splendid Program-Splendid Banquet Poet Laureate Reads Catchy Verse on Faculty Members Many Interesting Jokes and Stories Re-lated. One of the most enjoyable meetings held by the firemen in a long" time . was, that Tuesday night when they met in joint session at hall No. 2. . In spite of the inclemency of the weather weath-er a large crowd was in attendance, First the business meeting was held at which time the , attention ,of the companies were called to the fact that there were a number of defective flues ' in the town and the captains were instructed in-structed to look into, the matter. This was followed by the election of offl-' , cers for the new year. Those elected were C. J. titillman, president; A. J. Sorenson, vice president; Dan Fitzgerald, Fitz-gerald, secretary-treasurer. 'After the business' of the occasion was completed the meeting was turn-' ' ed over to the entertainment 'committee,. 'commit-tee,. E. O. Locke and Theo. iMarx, and as , had ben previously arranged the factulty. of the high school entertained for. something like a half hour. Mr. Southwick was chairman of ahe facul-. facul-. ty program which consisted of solos, I duets. Quartets, piano selections and readings and recitations, Peter , Mar-thakls Mar-thakls gave a .number of Interesting readings, among which was a parody on Anthony's oration on Caesar In which he said that he had come to , bury the faculty not to praise them, He made quite a number of good hits and the crowd was greatly amused. Throughout the faculty program was 4noslv?ffocUvelyrendered and. elicited, much applause. Music was also furnished fur-nished by Messrs.. Cook and Kenner, rendering several selections which 1 were greatly enjoyed. . It now being well past 10 o'clock arrangements ar-rangements were made for a Hoover-ized Hoover-ized banquet. The soldiers, as well as the faculty were guests of the firemen, fire-men, and this feed was least among tho pleasantries of the evening. After the feed Alberta cigars were passed through the crowd and those who smoke enjoyed a real snwke Uhat night. - . .' , ' After the feed Theo. Marx announo- : ed that H. G, (Locke, poet laureate ot Bingham, would present his stately " verse to the assembled auditory. .Mr. '' lLocke's poem was lengthy and highly ' entertaining, and at most of the time his hearers were In an uproar of laughter over the clever original Jibes at some who were present. The poem featured Lieut. TJader, who spoke at the last fireman meeting, and finally . came down to the members of the fac- r ulty who were present, of whom It gave a splendid : characterization. Ii was very interesting, and but for the fact that portions of It would not get by. the censor we would reproduce it for our readers. v . For an hour following this feature the time was spent in tolling good, wholesome Jokes and stories. One of the leaders In the joke line, was ex- " Judge iTtaan. AIho Southwick. - Coak-ley, Coak-ley, iDeLaney. 'Homer P. Chrlstensen contributed substantially to the merriment mer-riment of the occasion. , The meeting broke up shortly alter midnight. |