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Show 400 Teen-Agers Enjoy Third BAC Snow Carnival To many people snow is just so much moisture but to the 400 students stu-dents and teachers of the Cedar City Junior High School it is beginning be-ginning to mean wholesome activity and clean sport as well as stored up water for the thirsty plant, j The third January Snow Carnival i was held last Thursday in the foot- hills East of town, and with a little planning and improvising ample ; runways were made to provide thrills for all, whether they were equipped with skils, sleds, tobog-I tobog-I gans or snow shoes. The lunch committee, composed I The lunch committee, composed of teachers and students, was a very i popular group and before they were through feeding the hungry 400 weary lot. The refreshments con- they were also a very tired and slsted of hot-dogs and buns, hot chocolate, sweets of various kinds with a large red apple for desert, served around large bonfires. Annual events such as the Snow Carnival, Hallowe'en celebration, spring health day and others are tin type of recitation that th schools are sponsoring to help meet the needs of the teen-age youngsters young-sters of Cedar City and adjacent communities. It is reasonable to believe that where young folks are provided with wholesome spare time recreation the problems of delinquency can be minimized If not entirely eliminated. |