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Show Adult Education Plans Announced C. B. Cooley, chairman of the Community Adult Education Committee, Com-mittee, announces that in accordance accord-ance with requests from a questlon-alrre questlon-alrre sent out by the committee a number of adult classes will be set up this month to pan for atout ten weeks. Mr Cooley states that the classes are being offered as a community service through the cooperation of B. A. C. and high school faculty members who are willing to devote the required time to evening classes to accommodate parents wishing some study courses. No charge is mar for any course except in Office Practices where a small fee will be requested to cover expenses. Other classes will be set up If ten or more people request any certain cer-tain one and an instructor can be secured. Following Is a list of classes and the time the? will be opened: Home Decoration and Care Instructor In-structor Miss Mary L. Bastow. Meets on Thursdays at 4 pjn. in the Art Department of the B-A.C. Advanced Tailoring and Sewing Intructor, Miss Orace Tucker. To be organized in Room S7 at the B.A.O. on Wed. Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Sewing 'for Beginners Instructor Miss Hazel Bingham. To be organized org-anized at 4:30 p.m. Wed Jan. 23 in High School Home Economics Dept. Ouldlng The Young Child Instructor, In-structor, Miss Mary Nelson. To be organized Wed Jan. 23 In the Elementary Ele-mentary library at 4:30 pjn. Comparative World Religions Instructor, Oustive O. Larson. To be organized Wed. Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m. in the L.D.S. Institute. Office Practice (typing) opens Wed. Jan. 23 at 7:3? p.m. In Room L4 at the B.A.C. Instructor wlU be Mr. A. W. Stephenson. The services of Mr. Edward San-gren San-gren can be secured to organize and direct a Men's Chorus If there Is a request for such a group from the community. The Adult Education Ed-ucation Committee reccommends this as a much needed contribution contribu-tion to the musical enntertalnn-ment enntertalnn-ment of Cedar City and urges any 'nterested group to contact them for further information. Class in ladies gymnastics will be organized under the dlrect'.on of Mrs. LaVeve Whetten If the demand for one is lame enough. Also, a foods class in the form of a Supper Club will probably be pot up latcf. Lads wishing to register for this Informal type of cooking class will please contact Mrs. Fae Dlx. Coordinator of the program. The committee invites the general gen-eral public to participate in this series of classes and to feel free to suggest any others that might be auported over a period of ten to twelve weeks. |