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Show Annual Faculty And Student Xmas Party At B. A. C. The annual faculty and Student Stu-dent Body Christmas Formal parties, par-ties, traditionally held separately, were this year combined and held Saturday night. As a result of the cooperation of Pat Rogers, Supt. of the Utah Parks Operation of the Union Pacific Railroad, the El Escalante Hotel was made avail able for a formal banquet. The Hotel has not been available to the general public for two years during which time the Army Air Corps Cadet Detachment was housed hous-ed there. A String Ensemble under the direction of R. L. Halversen of the music department of the college provided suitable music while the students and faculty were gathering. gather-ing. Following the banquet a program pro-gram of string music by the ensemble, en-semble, numbers from the B. A. C. Girl's Glee Club under the direction of Virginia Larson; a play read by Mrs. Donald Bell and Christmas Carols sung by the group provided the entertainment for the remainder remaind-er of the evening. The committee in chnrge of the party was: Preston Gledhlll, Mavis Ma-vis Johnson, Mary Bastow and D. L. Sargent representing the facul-j ty and Mary Lou Joseph, Barbara Stephenson and Julia Stevens, rep. resenting the Student bory, |