Show M EXI N S T A 0 KIL L PRISONERS AMERICANS AND AN englishman MAY BE ED BY HUERTA BUTCHERS were taken from train trains by mexican soldier and from conversation of captor captors it Is believed Bill eved they will be put to death vera cruz twelve americans and one englishman prisoners ot of mexican soldiers are being held at cordoba or orizaba Orl zaba on the line ot of the dexl can railway between here and the carson sydney A at thomas and andar air are threatened with execution accord ing to authentic information four of the Arneil americans cans v were ere taken from a train on the vera cruz esth mus line at tierra blanca and further along at longo station three other americans and an englishman were seized those captured at tierra blanca are W A mangan Si angan super In of lie railroad engineer el llott and conductors riley and hart at longo edward alq son sydney A AL thomas and sir mr boyd an englishman were arrested by federals the news of the capture wras brought to vera cruz by a newsboy malor major martinez Martl nez took them to tierra blanca and thence to cordoba the men are W B wofford of geor bla cla P W lehmer of omaha W D bedford t f michigan W C desbrow of new now york and james blicher ot 0 buffalo all the these semen men are interest ed in agriculture in the section where they were arrested the prisoners were taken to cordoba iud ind it is believed later were transferred to orizaba Orl zaba a point nearer the capital |