Show he was in disguise some two weeks ago deputy sheriff joe hansen made a capture that basof was of considerable satisfaction to him not that the man wanted had committed any serious crime but that he had been so smooth in evading arrest the man in question was a yellow negro going by the name of harris and was mas wanted for somi some devilment in this town but about the tile time he was wanted he lie dropped from sight while te e officers were looking for him he reappeared in price hut but his yellow complexion had bad g given alven way to a jet black onland one and where he lie had been smooth shaven with the exception of a moustache he be appeared in price with a black beard nearly a foot long and with the appearance of needing a haircut to carry out the idee of age the caprit c walked with a perceptible limp and carried tt cane cant on several occasions hansen and other officials passed the aged colored man on the street but failed to connect him with the alow clo coon they sought then joe received a tip that his man was in helper and he lie went up and got him this time finding him in his natural color sans whiskers sans wig harris was given a hearing before justice middleton tuesday on a charge of burglary in the second degree and held to the district court he ile is charged with having stolen some provisions from the basement of the tavern writing to a grand junction friend a salt lake midland trail booster lay says we have in cash as a nucleus for a fund a of a thousand dollars has been made by jessie knight and we were informed today by a member of the state highway commission that there was enough money from the midland trail fund spent in other places and to be returned to this fund to more inore than make up the amount necessary to put this road in first class condition just JUA as many local people have suspected arx money oncy designed by the lecis legislature lature for the midland trail divert diverted td to some other pet project if the money of a private individual had been diverted the diverter divert cr woud be arrested ir |