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Show Severe AccWenL Lnst Friday moinlnjf Mra. Ellon J. Nclon, wife of Confft Nolo, Sr , had tho mlsfortuno f full tmd break her lotr Sho wn K"i"f to tho corral for somo purposo nnd us tbo path was rathor llppory bocauoof tho snow and ioc, Hbo i slipped nnd foil heavily, dislocating lior thigh and breaking tho itockot, Shu was onrrlod to tho houne and a phyKiaian oallod who did nil in IiIh power to allovlrt'o hor suffering. Mm. Nelson to 74 voir of ngo, nnd tbo accident goo hard with hor, Sho Is Bulforinfj Intensely, and tltmo who bavo ojiargo of nurfiolng her aro doing ovorv-(hlng ovorv-(hlng thatcan bo dono. butthooutcomo Ih unuortaln at Mil writing becauso of hor advanced yotv. ' '4 |