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Show it Letter From f ' Elder Mackelplang. fep"- I ,v , Is Enjoying His Mission Has ? . Gained Great Experience. ;&s.', Aalomitid. Norway, Doo. 10, 09 ('',.' Editor Rcoonl : ".j ta much plensurd in rcadlug 'Jy the uowb published In my homu pa- ,3 " per thBt nrrlvea weekly at my lodge. Wi Perhaps Bomo of tho readers nonld "raj ' 'like to bear a little from the land of 9 the midnight sun. & 1 have spent uearly sixteen months I In this part of tho world aud can say 11 1 have had a,ome grand experience. 7,' We elders hero don't think there 1b another mission whoie elders gain a . greater experience in cities oountry, j , and on the water. Wo are In the - J . JMud whero tourists visit yenrly. We JS . x see all that they pay thoucunds of dollniB to see, na Norway is a oouu 1 try of thousands of islands. 'In trav f . , el to any extent ono Uub to rldo on a ' , - ' "'! , boat a gi out deal Ono is subject to '- sob sloknees, and sorno of wo eidorp, Iv. you may bo suio, havo a great iuter est in thu liorda cf Norgo. , - At the present tltno wo nio only t ' having about thieo and a half hours of daylight, aud tho Bun won't shino ', . ' hero agniu till the middle uf Febru ary. Then again next May the buu will shino from 3 a. m. until 11 p. in., and It Ib easy to goo to read al) -'- 1 night without lamp light. 1 am not as far north ab whero the sun ehines all night, still it is so near Bomo call t ' '' It thu land of the midnight sun. f Fiehlng la the renin industry hero. 1 For 15 otph, cr 3 centB nf our money Q wo can buy enough freBh ilah for Uvo ' men, su one ami judge what tho llah fHy market Is like. H v -, .JH.liojjverychenp. Ono krone, H' or 27 cent Ib goociWHges for if"oa"ui H mon laborer amuug thecommou nlaes ' of ponplo. Ih Ib juat a head to mouth W ' living. Pooplo here look on menus - moro than anything else. If ono is wealthy al) must look up to him, it A f matters not what he may be. Ja . Tbo majority of tho peoDlo aro ro ? ligious. There aro many dltferent ''X; .denominations hero, still the Luther- v i lanB aro the most popular. In oxery ' railroad Btation you can aeo a blblo. -. It is as Apostlo PenroEo said, "in $ tbo Scandinavian countries tbero Ib a l(l great number of Israol's blood." Wo meet people nearly every day who boliero Mormonism to be true, but I are too proud to bumblo themselven ..-. and bo looked dowu upon, as all who - are followera of Christ's gospel are out in tbo world. ; People in general are kind and show respeot. For cxamplo, we Am orioan boys aomiug hero and under tako to talk iu n foreign "sprog" ; oommenco to make grammar mistakes und our dialect is as poor as any for : oigner's who comes tp onr country. I Here tho people sympathize with ua. - I nover critiolEo nor ridiauln. They i ' M could give some of our people a good ' I lesson on that. I have laughed at ' tbo langtiBgd of foreigners and kuow I many others who have dono tbo samo. ', V I oan nay if I can bo forgiven I will nover do it again. I 1 havo visited aomo of tho oldest I ohuroh buildings iu this laud, soiuo I over one thousand years old. It is a , M groat sight'to aro tho infant baptisms '?, nnd jonllrtnaLlonu performed therein. M When one seos the difference in tha I religions targht by men aftor the r I wisdom, then compare it with tlia '.M true goapsl rattored in tbeM the ImI M fiaya, oua can't thank bis Heavaaly il l'atbor euoogb fcr tua kgowiedgo or tha lint. I rtcela at rrer year brotktr and ; afrit. ' M KDW. MAKt&LPRAJO. )M KIekft4an $9, Aalwand; P . f t ' ; . .-. ,. t , . L aaaaa e -w in. w - ' , , |