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Show C ASTO R I A t For Infants and Children In Use Fcr Over 30 Years Xlwaya bears mmmmma ciignaturo of The Press-Bulletin I. H. MASTERS, General Manager. CD. McNEELEY, Editor and Usee. Subscription 12.00 a Year In Advance, 12.50 en Time. Entered as second-class matter Jan II, 1816, at the poetofflce at Provo rjtan, under tha act of March 3d. 1879 leeued f rlday of Each Week at Prevo . Utah. Under New Management 100 rooms single or en suite 50 rooms; with private baths MRS. TRESIDDER, Prop. I67S. Main St. Salt Lake City VU Modern and Up-to-Date. Newly Furnished and Absolutely Respectable The Chocolate Shop Invites you to spend your leisure time at the most lelightful place of amusement in town. Our dancing pavilion, our light lunches, our hot and cold drinks and our candy are growing in popularity every day. Come with the crowds, and see how well we can entertain and please you. Our friends will find the Chocolate Chop a most delightful de-lightful place to spend a few hours in the evenings. . We assure you of the most courteous treatment and that you will be pleased with our place. After the entertainments of the evening there is no; better place in (own for refreshments and dancing than The Chocolate Sbop , " t ; '.''.,'''' OXFORD I (Formerly Budweiser) Tocket Billiards First Class Cafe, Modern Rooms in Connection. Tobaccos, Cigars, Drinks, 409 MAIN STREET J. W. MATTHEWS, Manager. n " wmm-"" " . " ; - n. The Double Standard Oil & Gas Co. is the owner of -valuable oil leases in Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming, and has recently added a valuable lease in the new Electra-Burk- burnett oil field, Texas, with' 8 producing wells, together with pumping plant, tanks and full equipment, connected with the pipe line, and selling oil. Price was $2.00, now $2.50, and expect soon to be getling $3.00 per barrel for this high grade oil. The Company is pushing drilling operations in this new field, as rapidly as possible. Stock is now selling at 10c a share. You can join us in an exceedingly profitable business enterprise, and in doing so, help increase the oil output, which means, help win the war. Write us for free map and further particulars. Special inducements to live, active salesmen. DOUBLE SIID OIL 1 GAS COHY Boston Bldg Phone Main 3937. . Denver, Colo. DR.P.S. HAGEMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bingham Canyon, Utah. Office: Above Woodring'i Drug Store. Residence: Eel; man Apai intent. Telephone 35. nffir- hour: 'MO: J-J: 7 |