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Show - Z THE PRESS-BULLETI- N -- LIVED Oil DUID BREAD 4 YEARS Mrs. Barrett Spent Over $1000 to Trying Get Relief from Chronic Dyapepsla "I told my husband that mv Tanlac was out and that J Just had 'to go to Birmingham to get another bottle, as I wouldn t be witnout it for money, and that is why I am here tl day," said Mrs. H B. Barrett when she called at Jacobs' Drug Store in RBnhHle-A- . MrS- - Barrett ref,We8 at a suburb of Birniing-ham- , and is weU known - Ta'nlniln611 nIy 0Ile b0ttle Of Yes, sir this Tanlac has done me more good than all the medicines I have ever token. Ounng the pWt 14 years i have spent more than $1000 trying to get well of a complaint hat W8pad,ually sappln b strength Hwir .Past four year8 I have hXf0, alm,8t entlrely n milk and finally that got so it went vfeh,"18, dared not eat o of any kind and If i h.h i would suffer for hours "afterwards. hadJchronc dyspepsia, so I was told, nothing JT,SStffi"5l,ef- - Irareverwen? of even the sight food or to smell it cooking would nauseate me. I had a bad taste In mouth and nothing I ate tasted right I had always been healthy and a worn- - hi00ke(i after her household duties, having this trouble I got so weak I could not do my house- work and had to have help back WOild have awful Pa'n in my and was nervous and sleep well. When I heard of thl! tZ would, try it, because 1 was ready to try anything that I thought would help ltlAyeT 80 8urPriflel n my ' itert --?hiPm? r,ght from the VT ,T seemed to toke right at once and I could Just feel my8e,f getting better from day to ef.re 1 nad flD,"'' ray first hVK 80 I,C0U,d eat anything pu Znh?ibl a"dJc.ould. h wait for j tuiue' i certa nlv Jieve k Lgfl0t i8,medlc'ne. for I bl Oh fif8 ,year8 to my life. LL? L ? much better and 8eeP liL i bet,ter and am not nervous Jn1"8-- think, II have actually fenvedrynwaeyP0Und9 M4 fCel ' t,h?1a anse,f hbors were as much was and they are at mv J0"86, every day, telling me how well J i counted up yesterday and fourteen of them are . Tanlac or wlir commence Sg it a! ln7J?,lh Can t0 Birmingham VLig lt, .Tanlac 18 certainly a medicine and everybody out path's 8t,alkin&ab0Utlt You" because papers if you want to I know there are thousands t ;?"1'" the same bad fix that I f-- - for so many years" ' br w'ff .wJI'l BI"Khani Canyon T Wofg 88 Di,rnu Co- - in M'Jvale by J. ,M. ' Sandy by Mrs 3 j Schmidt, in Garfield by Garfieid TradJ ,n R'verton by the Page-Hanso- n ICO . in lljrlr K T Ino.n oale by the Jordan Merc. Co Draper by the Draper Commercial Urrajr by the Murray cr Drug c 8'NGHAM BRIEFS Mr. and airs. C. E. Jenkins of Iowa who have been on a trip to California! are visiting J. B. Myers, manager of the local Utah Power & Light office. Mrs. Jenkins is the mother of Mr Myers. " , 'Mrs. (Bert Revere of Sandy spent the Past week in Bingham visiting rela- tives and friends. At o'clock last Friday morning tinSft rKk',but the flames re was any Berious damage done. t3fp ?ulin. JJaao d Uttle of Price, were in town this week to visit Mrs. C. H. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Prestwlch, who w,'A?t ln 0in r some fh'itn week for Idah. &ere engage in farming. John Glazier Myers has been in "V.duJlng lhe paBt tw weeks visiting father, J. IB. iMyers. - Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Wells and chil- dren went on a motoring trip to Ogden Canyon. Sunday. While on thd home they stopped at the park in Salt Lke to see the baby elephant. Pete Pitchios and Oust ipltchios have bought the interest in the Royal iaarnedy Company of Nick ILouis and making some improvements by adding a new candy kitchen. Max iFowler of Butte, Mont., spent a few days during the past week in (Bingham on business. J. K Maxwell of Salt (Lake who spent some time in iBingham daring the past winter engaged in Jewelry work and who has many friends here, was In town Sunday with a motoring Party. . , Joe Berger spent a few days in Salt this week visiting with his fam-ily. P. N..Huddleson and B. (H, iPlero of Salt Lake were n Bingham Monday for the purpose of possibly interesting uie peopie nero in street improvement. Mayor Q. IB. Kelly spent the week- end in Montpelier, returning home Tuesday morning. Mrs. G. A. Schmidt is ln receipt of a letter from her brother, Cieut. Phil Talsey. who is engaged In the trans-portatio- n of troops from tnrs country to France In which he stated that his snip carried Secretary of War iBaker on the trip to France and return. Mrs (Annie Scussel has received a letter from her brother, James Notari who is located somewhere In France stating that he had been promoted and that he is now a sergeant. .AB-- S'31,z1man of the Portland Cem-en- t AssocUUton. Salt Lake City, was n.Bipgham jSaturday on business. Mr. Imus of Oglen, clerk of the rail- - mI 5T APTe M wninaUon on ! d.ispatchinfr- - Those who took and , ,1Z ftam,"atlon were .Misses ?T.Ky ,Addf,ey' Oakley and the postal work Mr.. Imus various points of Interest In the cam? nnd he stated that this was a wonder-u-l place and that' he hoped to have ' again Ruth the daughter of ?arraFor'u 'notm Thl Twfy of pneumonia. Jhe funeral was held from the res! yesterday afternoon and the burial was in thejningnam cemetery John, the year-ol- d son of Mr and dav of pneumonia. The ld Sunday nnd the burial was 1Z Ilingham ceinclery. town.- - Phoenix has some money on hand and the town officers have de-cided that it could be expended in no better way than in improving the street In addition to this the town is taking much interest in the matter, of sanitation and it is going to be a clean place. It has been decided that property owners should build their own garbage bins for the reception of waste matter. There was a large number of tour-ists ln iBingham last Sunday on sight-seeing trips, most of whom came to the city In motor cars. There Is quite a little to see ln Bingham, and it Is a place where tourists can spend a day with pleasure and profit i- -i ? nuR!W- - wa, Saturday by a cave in K on the rrtah ro.wr hill. funeral he" Tuesday from til orPck Sa,t thp n-'-- V prleVt officiating Ther was a n her of his rontrVm,n ,m who attrnrted tMf, the fim-- al. and tT,e Moral offering was very bea, 4ll ntermont was In t-l- Vi. v. Bnrrrn wa, v.rv prominent In The Joint meeting of the firement nirttah.ChP,U,edVor Bt 8 nfU . .h?" P08 because ion VVM th the a"rac nrcmen Maid" The will hold their meeting on Earl Sutton has introduced some-thing new in Bingham in the way of a motorcycle line. He has five new motorcycles of exclusive and novel de-sign, which he is having operated be- tween Bingham and ropperfield and Wngham and Highland Boy. The cars make th.trtp every half hour. They carry three passengers in addition to the driver it Is one and one-hal- f miles to Highland Ooy and two miles to Copperfield and a trrp the motor-cycle is a delightful one. It will be a matter of interest to Klngham people to learn that the Bingham and Garfield railway has put on an Iced refrigerator car service be- tween Salt Lake and ttlngham and that th same will remain in effect throughout the summer. The refriger- ator cars will be operated semi-weekl- y on Mondays and Thursdays The re-frigerator car will be used exclusively for perishable freight and will be Iced i Sen? WVdrJG P,,St four monf'1" friends. town with Dr. Flynn was looking and appeared to be In the best of the Coa8t for 8 time. The Vipnna Cafe will furnish the spread for the alumni banquet tonight. The .Butte Cafe reports that every member of ts force Liberty SUm1 a"r, T,'1'1 the Natives establishment. "The Stars a.id Stripes" fs tJ,n of the paner published bv the Kmoll ran 'KxpodiUonary forces in L ropy o which was reived In Bh".". ham this week. It Is a neatly printed 1 full o'f''IlntKprtiMnff repndeingpampearttearnd It n?s.i lins a good line of advertisement Rixi the most coiispi-uo- us nf these is tJ.o advert, sement of a certain brand or chewing gum. The (own of Phoenix s E,.ttl1Ur hnsv with tlie 8!;pro;le, of warm weather and is rinK to fix itself up ( Htve' I reparations an. row being made to gravel the road all the way through to run capacity. The Bingham and Uarfield railway has two package cars dally between Salt (Lake and Ulngham In addition to the semi-weekl- y erator car refrig- service. This Improvement will be a great convenience to the peo-ple here. How Egyptians Reaped Q.aln. . The ancient Egyptians reaped their grain close to the ear and afterward rut the straw close to the ground and 'aid It by. It was this struw that Pha-raoh refused to give to the Inraelltes. It was because of this refusal to give )he longer straw to th, Israelites that ihey were compelled to gather "ntub-hle.- " This was a mutter of consider, able difficulty, seeing that the straw Itself had been cut ff near to the round. The Heart Knows. The urderstandlng heart Is what U needed above all el.se. Th affections are cognitive powers no less than the intellect. "The heart knows truth by Its affinities, as tl,e n lad verifies It by reasoning. What we feel, we know by a consciousness more trustworthy than logic A. P. Peubody. Ba , ji Ejfi .A Japanese Comic Opera f " i 1 Cast In Order of Their Appearance : ' iri Takasi (baritone) , herald of Kybasho ......... U mU ...v. LA. South, of Salt Lake tos. Pema. . .IHush Ryan f Tung-Wag- a (contralto), an elderly nurse.. Mrs. Batt An No (ten"), a Chinese laundryman from , I SPjj Fateddo (baritone), Mayor of Kybasho . ...... U.S. A L W. Nielsen Ejfij Roy Gardner Hilda and Stella (sopranos), American tourists. f " " id - ............. Hilda Travis and Vera Chiara . J . C&&Se baritone. American lawyer ' U n Vi (soprano), a Japanese Heiress. EI Lola Royce ..L. A. Southwick ; Kissimee (mez2o-sopran- o) , her companion..... Chorus of 35 Japanese Men and Maidens from L fij J? Thelma Farasworth ' High School ? I' m . Something Direnf! k li! ii I CANYON MALL h l Tuesday, May 14th, 1918 Off 1 S General admission 7Sc. Reserved seats $1. 00 n H I The True Secret f g of Success I 1 " I Is thrift in all its phases, and principally U thrift as applied to saving. A young 0 man may have many friends, but he will E H find none so steadfast, so constant, so ready to respond to his wants, so capable J of pushing him ahead, as a little leather- - j covered book with the name of a bank on H if cover," 1 1 i I iGil SH1E HI f C II. THOMPSON, President. . I T. II. QUILLEN, Vice President. l i EAKL KANDALIj, Cashier. fj :J" TOO STRENUOUS I "Movhr FldoT" "Yes. I'm goln' to change Into sonu family what ain't got seven small . . boys." Valut of Reading. Heading means much to children, roung men and young women. Read-ing Is the key that unlocks the door of Information and lets opportunity In. Reading Is the beginning of an educa-tion. It gives the poor a chanc t Bet information and become usrfat Every home should be well supplied with lights, good books, papers an magazines and the children encouraged to read In'the evenings. Exchange. j Mara Yaur Pleaaurta, It baa been said that happtneaa whl(?& has not been shared baa no tMte. Jf the pleasant things which eor-.- t to you, somehow aeem to hav no taste, If they aeem ralher ' flavor-l88- :, P?rJuu)a thlsja, explnnioi), Tut gladness lifto another's Ufe.vidii bp the pleasures you have been wlflsh--tr enjoying, so that it wUl nelp two or three, and your happlnesa win bar llenty of flavor. SMITH III-COU-RT 0ITI.U CHARGE "(Preliminary hearing of the case of Hugene S'mith, alleges rrnanclal agent of the I. iW. IW. in Utan, wno was ar-rested in Bingham and charged with obstructing the recruiting and enlist-ment servicec of the United States and hampering the work of the mili-tary forces, and alleged to have made 1.1 iq i wai is uuijr muraer and that "American soldiers that is the militia murdered and cremated women and children in Colorado." oc-cupied the entire day Wednesday be-fore IH. V. Vaii Pelt, (United States commissioner. Smith took the stand ln his own be-half late Thursday afternoon, but be-fore given an opportunity to testify the court was adjourned until Friday. May 10. A. Reading of the department of Justice, who investigated the case of Smith's alleged statements regard-ing the war, occupied the stand all Wednesday afternoon. Hie said he had interviewed Smith while he was ln the Jail in iBingham and Smith had admit- ted boing an I. W. W., and that he was sc.ns I. w. W. certificates to raise money for the defense of "class war prisoners" now on trial In Chicago Several I. W, w. cards and much lit- erature was found in his possession. It is alleged that' he had several thousand dollars deposited in Bingham banks which he h stated that he collected as high as I'iOOO a day for the I. W. W. cause in camp. ' SHYLCCK, M. D. 1 ( 3!LJ Marshall 1 saw .the doctor stop at yiAiv housu yesterday. Anything se-- Merrj man I should say so. lie came to collect his bill. j Model Fish Market . There Is a model fish market ln Co-- i nenhngen, built by the municipality. With the exception of the large vari. etles, like cod nnd halibut, all the flah are kept alive In tessellated tanks with running water. Almost Incredible Thlnnesa. Ordinary printing paper la some-thin- g more than 1.000 times thicker than the gold leaf that can be made oduy. For commercial purposes the 'eaf must, of course, have just a little more substance about lt than that, but t Is a striking and Impressive fact that only about five grnlus of weight of gold Is required to make up the books that are In ordinary use today by gilders, each of the 25 leaves ln that book btlng usually bi Inches i squnre. j Lunar Craters Not Volcanic Volcanic craters upon the earth are 1 small, deep pits at the summits of f lofty cones. The greatest Is not more than seven miles In diameter. Luna! I! craters are saucer-shape- d depression! In the surface of the nim.n. The two r types are as unlike as possible. It ! f very difficult to see how sueh crater li as we find on the moon could result lJ! from volcanic action. K |