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Show H I AD LOGIC. H' The Tulsa Typothctac Lubricator H has this to say: H "Tho man who docs not advertise Hl because his grandfather didn't, ought t to wear knee breeches and queue. H, "Tho man who docs not advertise Hj becauso it costs money, should quit Hi paying rent for tho samo reason. H- "The man who docs not advertise H, because ho tried it and failed, should H'' throw away his cigar becauso the H light went out. ? . "The man who doesn't advertise H' becauso ho doesn't know how him H i self, ought to stop eating becauso H ho can't cook. H "Tho man who docs not advertiso . B fcc-causo, somebody said it did not pay, I ought not to believe that ttho, world H-"t ""-'"' jBvrdundr'bccau"se "the ancients said 1 it was flat." M John Wanamaker says, "To ncg- H lect advertising is liko resolving ncv- H er to travel by steam or communis H cato by telegraph. It is to closo one's H' eyes to tho light and live in perpct- H ual darkness." |