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Show I jfThings in General. H ,-Wrlte It 1011. H i . H Kp boosting. Ik wotrt hurt yea. H j DM you ever looaa aaythlng by H WetlngT M -w? j Batter quit signing ebaafea Jan- H narj, 1910. J llaatt a little wore. lt gosa far H ser dlMtlOB. H Dm'i forget the abow teworraw h n 1 ".-"it j Wiwt't the un of growl lag all tba 1 tlatji At well booat aaoe la a H nail. H y , H "Jast m easy to tnRke a lignra 1 aa H aa 0, Why uot try It when you wrlta m mi' ggggf Nearly all the yellow ilaya are H dowB.and the town looks tuuoti aeiiter H ana a'ot an gaudy, H fr, Qreen returned from Salt Labo paaaaaj m L OHV Sunday night. He wwa up hi tl. HHWRBa' muiropolla on' biuhUaa Mini pleasure H ooMhlued. H The Eunnh Dramatic Qompany H v(lll' prnsut 'Tjoho True Mluo" hi H the Wuril IIhII BHt(nlity niRht. H Metier cot out mul coo the ahow. ggH J Ij. Svy of I'unKultoh was In gaga gggS town Moniluy, Ho OHtmi tn attoml the aigaBiK H stookliOldorir inootluK of tho linnk of H Hotkiherii Utnh. gaaaaa , , , j MUa Llr.lo Uttllooh rttturuoil this H vrcok from lluinlltnii'a Fort vrhoro alio H H'RtHHont it wook or two. Thn liuly H reports hitVltiK '""I "ll onjoyiiblu aagaaafl H i. -Li . i n in ii ai-f H Tho uuiuvy atrluuooay that hsa H Imoti.ou for two or throo wonljH iiihiIo H Itaolf folt iituoiiK tho IiiihIoudh hoitHoa. H It Itt n llttlo caalor now, uiul cvory H hody la ualn ainllln. H Thoa. Illation whb aton to tnko tin B etKe for Lund Itut Wodueadny morn- H Iiik. ,lt la umlotatouri hla tltlnatlon LH la Bait Lttku Olty whoro ho will ettand H to amue hualucta uiottora boforo re H tumltj. H Too Enooh Urninatlo Oouipuuy will H (jl?e a tuutlneo Saturday nftoruoop B la thf Wunl 1U1I. All ahlldrou un- H dor b yoarn of hro will bo admitted H for l) oonta. Juat aa well let tho H children boo the pvrfornmuoo. H liftat Friday OToalnu ut the borne B -otJoii. Moiling a dollKhttul aooltil H Maab'eld. There watt a law number H of gu'etta proieut end tho hoat aod H ttoateea made everyone fool at home. H Somewhoro lon In the woo bdih H botira tho company left for their H hotuea, huvloc eu joyed themaolroa H, Jnuneuaoly. B Kdmond Fotthovlnbnm, foreat B raogar, waa In town Tuoaday toklUR H apolloatlona for urutloR anlmola ou H tho Berler Notional torett, Quito a H number of applkutlouu wera handed B In. Tho Keutteman will return galu ' noon nod thoao who weip rnablo to H moo him will ngnto have tho prlvlleo B, of HttendluK to thla lunttor. ;jiv;'vv.J?;i..:.v.T.v.v.'.v.J.v;vr.va1v Whoro. oh, whoro hue the leatrlu lights bcoa eo looff. Dreia gooda below ooat at Oedar fiheop Btoae, Jan. 10th. A aabool (Unhe wha held latt alght at whloh all from the fifth grade Mp ware iireat. Roy Lee, a atudsnt of the Iirnnoh Normal, la oonllned to bit room with a eater attar of pnenraonla. Kd. Reynolds left far Salt Lake Olty yeaterday to apend a.ahort tlaaa vleltlng aad eaeettag frlaada. I jl Jf '4 t Repreaentattye Liusi la aeW Ib 'Salt LakVCItjr renidy to db( b.T'tle fir the iHtMea of Iroa' Oounty lar tb'e leUlalature. UIk rednotlona In Fnra, .Mleiee Ooata, Sweater, Soarfs, eto, Thura-day. Thura-day. January 10th, nt Oedar Sheep Btore, |