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Show (8) Would a oreamry glvetb? farmers more money for his labor khan ho uowgcta? Ho geti practically nothlugnow In ready oaBb. True.' he! gets wbntmilk and butter he needH for Ills family,' but' nothing", ttiore., If n croamory should coko .It .would' alvo him nn actual nioooy v'nllfe for his milk, and, lurlbetmoie, It would. lncr,edEo tho price for blm- UutterTs; HoinnVftifYoVn pott nd now""Tn Salt, Lako. Iu'Lcb Angeles' if.ls.uiidoubU h edly higher. If n orciureiy had any BUrplus produota Mt would- fbfp to tbeso markots Ihcroby unubllng it to? pay more for butter fU. . "&L Thus wo see that ou each of the eight points rnlsod h creamory 1b de,T Blrabie. Many other valuable things would come with It Vhat -have uot been tteutlnned. as l evident on h little rrfl.ntlnu. CLARENCE 13. JONES, i . ... I. - . ... |