OCR Text |
Show I The FREE Homestead H LANDS OF I IPW Western I mm Canada I Are tho STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. K Millions of acrej of magnificent Grain andGrar- t'.ig landi to bo nail as a free gift, or lT purchaso rom Railway Companies, Land Coiporatlons. etc. M THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS V Oooci Crop, delightful cllniittn, Hplonillil K fcliool Bj-nteiii, porfoct nodal condition, K exceptional mllu uy iiilrnntngrii, uud wealth ft and Hfllucnco ncqulrod ciilly. Me The population of Western Canada Increased H 128 000 by Immigration, during tbo past year, over ; ' 0.000 being Americans. Si Write to nearest authorized Canadjan Goverment Agent for Canadian Atfas and other information (or address Supt. of Immiirration.Ottawa.Canada) 11EN1. DAVIKS, KOUM 6 DUNN llLOUv. CHN- TKAL AVJiNUE. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA. I nnfaman publications H, will be sent on application to s m HISS A. E. IIOWAnD, 173 Warren Ave., Doston, Mast. H These are KIIHE to all deilrlDg them. Milk Crust and Eczema Instantly Relieved k Speedily Cured by Batlis wit And gentle anointings with CUTICURA OINTMENT, purest and sweetest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. j It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tortured, tor-tured, disfigured, itching, and burning babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, when all else I fails . told taronrtout Ins worM. Cufltnra IttiolTtnt, Wo. (la fotui ut CUocolaia CouJ I'llli, Vic. per vUl bf 60), tHolni.nt, Mr., Soap, Mc, Drpolli Ixilidon. 17 Charter. sum Ni. i 1'arli, 1 itua tic U I at lloiton, 117 ColmubuJ Aft. KutliiV Ilruf It Chun, Corp., Kola 1'roprUtou, - fraud for Ilea? to Curt Kivy Uum,' Aalc Your Dealer For Allen's Foot-Kino, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot.Callous, Aching SweatlngFeetandlngrowingNails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes newer tight shoes easy. Al all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25cents. Accept Ac-cept no substitute. Sample mailed "Freu. Address Allen S. Olmsted, La Roy, N.Y. Fruit nckls will not stain goods dyed With PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. "5 ' For Tattooing Pigs. Two prizes of $12G oach havo boon oftorod by an agricultural society in Gormnny for a now pigmont for tattooing tat-tooing blnck-oared plga Tho ta,ttoo-ing ta,ttoo-ing of whlto-onrod pigs is woll known and buocesoful, but a dark color is .useless for dark ears. An additional $25 Is given for ovqry year tho tattoo" last3 boyond tho flrat year. Miss Hapgood lells how she ' escaped an awful operation by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vege-table Compound. "DEAnMns. Pinkham. I suffered for four years with what the doctors called Salpingitis (Inflammation of tho j fallopian tubes and ovaritis), which to a tnoitdlstrcsslngand painful ailment, affcctlnrr all tho mirrouiutfnjr parts, unddrmlnlnfr thcconHtlt'ition, ami sap-plnrr sap-plnrr tho llfo forces. If you hail seen mo a year nprp, bcfor 1 bo m taking j Lydirt Ii3. Pinkham's Vejyctablo ; Compound, anl bad notWd tho J sunken eyes, Hallow cmnpklon, nnd j general emaciated condition, and compared com-pared that person with mo as I am to- I day, robust, hearty and noil, you would not wonder that I feel thankful to you and your wonderful medicine, j which restored mo to now life and I health in flvo months, and wived mo from anawful operation." Mlas Ikkmi: j IlAi'aooD, 1023 Sandwich St. Windsor, Oat. $5300 forfeit If crftli-al of abue letter prcotng genuineness cannot beproitutci. Ovaritis or inflammation of tho ovaries or fallopian tubes which adioln tho ovaries may result from sudden stopping of tho monthly flow, from inflammation of the womb, nnd many other causes. The slightest Indication of trouble with tho ovaries, indicated by dull throbbing paiil In the side, accompanied ac-companied by heat and shooting painR, should claim your instant attention. It will not euro itself, nnd a hospital operation, with all Its terrors, may easily result from neglect. FREE to WOEVJEN H A Largo Trial Box aud book of In- 1 striictions absolutely Free and Post H paid, enough to provo tho value of PaxtiueToilet Antiseptic M Xfc5j Pnxtlne In In powder H cf?r'r-j. I0"" to dlitoUa la H jS?Sfra. watfT non-poltonoui H VCMCSt-Y nmlfnratiprrlortollquliS HH t'm r3Br38CTpV nntUeptlcs containing IH vt-jrtL S&k n'co,,l which Irrltatn BH ( IK V-JtSkX lo'lomed turlnctt, and WuWM WrfQir-, '-Sv''l liiuenoclciMilnr.prop- UUmM K'mitl Ws $ ertics The content - IH ivaWl rc& 1 ol evcr' I'0 maliti 1 v?k "i ACu t niore Antlicptlc Solu- jH Vw,iTSlrf-ni?5' tlon ,n' ' longer jH vlfcM- 2rt rocb further lmn mort 1 tSj X& IMes '" tne 'J'Hy and Wm 2'J ??l dceninregiHHltlionnn)' H Vs. sV' nnlUrptlc prepjratloa JBWM dta joucanbuy. jl The formula of a noted Boston physician, jH and used with great success as a Vagtnal jH Wash, forLcucorrlicea, PelvicCatnrrh, NnvJ H Cclarrli, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cub, Hj and all soreness of mucus membrane. H In local treatment of fcumlr.ls nxthinl H lnvalunblo. I' coil us n ViiKlnal Vi'sih v WM cliallono tho woild to proilueo its diunl for H thoroughness. I tia urrvol.it Ion hi olaiiimlng H nnd healing pownr; it kills all grrms wnlrb H canto intlnminutlon nnd dlioharsfi. , H All Jeailhilrnjr"lnta keep rmtlnoj- prlrHw. H aliox J l( inr(lciiirt,F-n'Ho n fo?U. Don't H takonsubatituto tlK'rolsiiotMnel'HCI'iixtlnK. Writofortliol'rcn Ho of lnxn ihiomImi. B. PAXTON CO., I'opoBldg., BMton. Man. H AHODRUO AO&iCTIONS H fKiEiEY !:iJTiTUTt':i:;c:;'.';;wr"-""" W 317 W SO, TCHPlt ST. JAIT lA'lt CITY UTAh H SEEDSSEEDSsSEEDSfc- H FRESH AMD RELIABLE H bbnd'for oatloqub H SCHWARZ & UEINECKE H 04 b. skoond south sr. H TOLBPHO-a oos. SALT LAKE CITY H KXUABLE ASSAYS U field . . 76 On I'l noil Shiar.. I1.C H I.Oiul ;4ilwld Sllr f.CopV . I." H l'ruinpt toiuriu n mall mplM ; H -V . ., i-"-, 17B flAMHO ST.. H Orjuen Assay Lo. obnvid. oolo, H tWE TREfiT nHD ESSE flSt ' blot KiuuikI 15 irl'lBHo liroui'iiiniiiiiil ljium Vfiff "jAX aaH 'lniitnei Anlmm Utmniirli, Mvr Jinl Kl,lnJ f jflfffl H lils u lilniwior lriniblrK tuinnir I in- A 'VWi'V bbbbbbbI il ul i i Clinuilo DliauMSur WoniuiiundOhi il (7 Sty H rnu Jlo trt Itlfct'avp NiTTua Dlstiix-!, (Minima J T Er H iSt Vliiift' ll.mcoi, HlukctB. Mpinul 'l'Mublo 7V .dC aaaaaH flln Iilocasei Hi'liiticii und Untmmruli.rn. HI ki j&rt S$Er aaaaaaal uriio-. or thu Hoitoln I'lti-u HMiila mid Ucouil i6?dSr aaaaaaai Trotib o. (ioltro lor bin nook) llload i Uwiimi, BnSBfMiy aaaaaaal Tape Worm, Hay V'ucr, llytturlu. Kpllrpiir, S&-lftf'f aaaaaal llnorrmla, a lo , uud ull Nurvout and Chroulo J- jpfffy H llomoTrentmrntrnrpii. Wrdo for fro J&irfj Laaaaal Kviiiptoiu Hit If ou ruiiiiiit cull. '"" H mu A. j diloilEi. Coiuullutlun rror. nil. o. w. suoittN H Weak Men I Pay When Cured It looxitlor from unr uf llio wcnUneMion or dl-1 Wo oi r ou flrat und iben nV ft UF A9UNAUI.B H lenavs caiitctl by litiiurimco. dUtlpivilou nr oonlnK- VVAt wlmn you nro uvirud Vou can iaL,tjd upoi H Ion VOU AltIC II IK VKHY 1'KUSON WIS WA.KT our word, ttmutnudiiot pntluuu ha ludgucd ut H TO TALK TO. ow, 1VK W.M lo Ll'llU VOU wlin tft:-H- aaaaaal Wclmni proTon our skill In curing GIIKONIC Hurt iiriricmandluK that no will not demand tBbW'H dltoasi' by piibllahlnv tbo ininy roluiitary tosll- FKIi until o euro nu Tlrla aipllfa to I)tt Man- 1 monlulu from homo pooplo, Kivlutf naiiiua. ploturci bood. Orenulo Wriikiisaa, Upcnuutorrhsea, Vii. mWM and addrosse cocolo, DlaouKea of ho l'rotrnr i.lnnd. Cdnatural mm WU CAN'T I'I'III.ISII OCIC Cl'Jtr.S lrf)ca, ( oiuruoiod IXaordura Hrrlnture, tie.. Con. H I.N ritHAli; I)I8I:AMJ:S taitloui Ulood l'oUnu, and nil WUAICNICbdCS ol H I!ccmio It mould betray ounlldunco Ilonco ne niun JWM bayo toproTOOiiroklllln tlila claaa of trouble) In Ol KICK HOUItS a to to 1 p to. I BtmIm 1 anotlierway 'lhUn our plain I 7 tod, Uundjya lUa m. lolJ. H DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Specialists. "rc.'JT.K. : I HALL'S GANKEn AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY I I I - ' -- , H FOR THG MOUTH. THROAT. NPUPR PA 1 1 Q POR 8ALC DY ALL 0HUQQ8T ,mm , STOMACH AND DOWELS.... IlLlLII IHILO AND QENERAL STOR08 B ; Nelden-Judson Drug Co., General Agents. Sait Lake City, Utah. ' H mmm like;S- Torty yeara &go end of ter" many ycara of use en the eastern coast. Tower 'a Waterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were called -Sliders by the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic name has come Into such general u$e that it Is frequently thu?h wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You wont the cjenume fLook for the 5ign of the Fiskand the name Tower on the buttons. HADtWN.AANVU10WAW SOLD DY BEPRESENTATIVt TRADfc THE WORLD OVER. pi i 'A.J.T0WKC0.MST0H.HASS.U.&A. TOWtR (AHADIAH CO,llmiU,T010NTO.CAH. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment in a, positive cum ltr PUcb. W. L. OOUCLAS 3.&93SHOES V. h. Doiwlns s" ihoes Ijavo ly t..or if Bs ocolltnt stylo, .. ISA oasy-nttiiiK, u n 1 W) (superior wonrUrf & - Jru ltiulllloH, iic.iloo,l if'llfflk cH. tlie lurgost bulo ol lw.7 "TJP &V liny ghoos in the , $lj Thoy uro just iw (joml vdMPto ' l m thoso tii.it cost j-oii tgmw3m)ki . Jl S4 to 85 t'ii only W&Jf diffureutolstUojirico. liaV? . 8eitl Eotruui'wt. '&)&$: Ukv Look for n.uno and MffliLV JftSm price on bottom. W;ll&&&m$BB$R DousrUut tie r tironn IP .'WW40S9b CoUUlu,wlilohUHVrlipro incetll In iHJlllo lltlWtt I'MtiHlt I. "tllm-M-l IIKillltluil, Fast Oo'ui ito't . K1iim" ' uall.Mr.Mtrr VrUoforCataIoi.. W.Tj.Ih--a,llroHou,SjM '"Wto Thompson's Eye Watei ss Tbero la no u.o to aena KmI foi UiffiU wiirIiok wliou d will tell joa H XJlL Ihencnulno ldnlnof WttHbam.la WM jvT a dual iroof cnto fori) Vljorlna H j5v M ycat uolil tilled cue, band H y05"rli"tVA Kiniely cnitravcd for ti U. If vtiul. ' A iiikiipt arrunipanlra th otder II H ill0 V vi wl11 " ,vnl by rrslalered mall H ll'll srll prepaid, or we wlllaend It bf ex 1 Viln W iicCC.lt. Wo bare all kind. H Vvl fl Ssf ofwattnea. Write ua for prlcea. H r-ZS-j AMrmt'AX WATniCo., OnicetJl H S D.V. Walker Hide.. Salt Lake CUr WMm RICHARD E. EVANS, F!r,?.7 Floral Deslgna and Immortal Work a Specially H All Cut Flowert In SaajOfi. H 30 8. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE OITV H J. W. CURRIE, SfS?.A4.B I 70 VV. Third South St. M P. 0. BOX 5G5. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH M Shopping by Mail gfp'V.' JK '" IntortiiQuiiUiln Hoctlon lo bur. livery ebaracterof H purolmao made bj eiperloui'i'il sboppora ipea aa4 H women, ho clmrk'O to imnomcrs Wllte for par- H tlctilara. Tlio HlivimrU Cuiniisiiy, Malt J,U IH City, Utah. jU EUs For HatchinU "5 iuicf. H nlno rlzoa ut our lint poultry mow, H llurrod l'ljrmoutli ltouka ti 00 por aettloi jH HIiiKtotomb llroivn I.cglioma l W per aottlnr jl SJ n II A V Tr' -'v'ntl Ht. mM o, vj. u i x , Hillt !,!, eitri vttiK H SWWSSfi H0 l0WD fATAl JtHffX) aal nffWiV .l5fat aK 'i' wn antt wilt (1 I 8 Or na'aH i?7tiN vil bS uadium itai pat. y.r imwM XrAifrg'i'v AHS " ""' ' alu Mlr aana a((( tii-ii- -nmm titnm n,,, ,no4 dtMaaw a4 - 1 .atmnlim Treatlw i,u,t Htiiivi ttlank arul frM H rliralmaua UomeOurn, lOUOirarJ Aft., raHa4a.,ra. H UTAH JUNK GO. XX'tt I ru in r ouppt-r, braiiN, etc hult LaUnOtly, Uta M Ui B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO.t H Dett Floral Ueilijnj For All Ocoailont. m Prompt and Careful Attention Given to Mail Order H PHONES 1011-853. SALT LAKE CITY M When Aiifawering Advertisement mm Kindly Mention This Paper. JW W. N. U.. Salt LaKa-No, IB. 10Q4. M 3 CURtSVVHtRE AU ttSC fllSv, 22T fcl id licit Couiilt nyrup. Taatea nooa. U ( B 13 ...la"l"a' fl3"! lay alrattglaf. |