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Show The Sani Francisco Cllronido says. It is coming to be 'recognized that alfalfa is a itiofo reliable profit maker than fruit in this state, "Alfalfa" having hav-ing come td be a generic term meaning utmost any kind of stock feed. It is not posslblo td llguro out on paper an Ih co mo frotll alfalfa which Is half so alluring allur-ing as thd income which tan bo "ilstl-mated" "ilstl-mated" from h fruit ranch. Nor a,s a. matter oil fact, will ntiy nlfalfa Jleltl yield, pnU year with another, bo largo a net Incoiile as can bo got from our very best(oriihards owned by men with capital cap-ital to dperato them nnd cultivated by theh'o'wnorR or under tholr Immediate direction. Hut for thd plain, ordinary farmer alfalfa and'what It ntands for is tho crop. If there cro less possible dlyl-denda dlyl-denda there is less ccrtrfln anxiety. Alfalfa Al-falfa makes meat and ltillk, add It Is animal an-imal nroducts that aro tho foundation of p'roflUiblo agriculture, and there la no countvy on earth better suited to them than tho statoof Callf'priilu. There Ifi always soma discontent present among the farmers, but wo soldom hear of any duiotig tho producers of staplo crops and animal products. These men do not hold conventions and protest against tho Iniquity of other people. They attend at-tend to business' and takd In tho money. It Is the case In California" rind throughout through-out the United States. Even wealthy tncii with good orchards orchar-ds on good ground nro turning to alfalfa. alfal-fa. A dispach from Tehama cotuily mentions two men well knowU td nave ample means who aro hitching their tradtlon efiglnee to fltio peaqh( trees in full hearing and snaking them out by tho roots!. They will plant nlfalfa in their place. One Immediate cause of this proceeding is said, td he that they dro tired of bothering With, this JabOr problem, they wilt rtilsc crops which can bo harvested by machinery and fed out to animals on tho place atld which can transport themselves ia market if necessary. |