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Show M ""' -.V" ,,'",' , , n ,irTOI , ,., .,,,,, , , ,,,.,,, j , , ..j.,..,,, (J IT g $efore buying elsewhere to call and m J u examine Otjp Matchless Stock of g I f) r " - jl $ fl 2 Two pans of Penchos for 25 oonts. ' 'r - i I JJ Twq onns of Tqmatoos for 25oents. c. Of J Twoqarisof Saliuon'lnrgoj for 25 cents, i - 02 ffr Two qans of Condensed Oreftm for 2$ qcnts. 4 f) ( J ex Lyo, 10 cents per box, the best Lyo on the marfcei. Gooc y pr fi solid soap made in 'pno and a half hours. IVy i( qijoo and 'you (1 J ' f) will use no other. ' m J- , Wool Twine 9 cents per poijnd. M I ( 7 inch sjieep shears B. 13. A. $1,20. (1 J f) Jlandles'for Ikkes, Forks, Shovels and IIocs, Picks and Hand- f) 1 L? ' les. ' ...'. i ? - (A I y Ledgej-s, Ejr.jrbooks, Pcoords, noat Pocket Books and Bill Books. (1 ft- $ -- clieap and good for cash. . v f) J . Wagon Timber! Ileaches'XyagonTonguoB, Spokes and Felqes. (0 Doubletrees and Singletrees. ' ' c k fk DOnn r0 acs an4 Flueqo Tyine. f) H f) We kindly appreciate yoqr patfpnage in the past, and hope, m ' to have it Ju the future, I S Cedar City, PQ-Op U I I $ioo saved; 1 I 1 $2.00 Ej-RlSrE3D-1 !4 SgaaaagBiWiif.iittffi'Jii i hhii iw' in n mi flmw niwi Wfi i'i ihhiiiiihhmhIiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw fl 9 Earn Money by looking over Our Stock jj i 3 The best thing this week is Boys Suits at 3 i M ?i00 per Suit, ' miB . We have New Dishes, and the Best H 3 Line of Fruits and Candies -in the city 8 3 Fresh pish in once a week. 9 fj Pag & Biracle:n?, d GEOfiH G1TY DHOG ST0RE.I ; 9 J ), I ll ' " ll DEALERS ,N ' ' Pure Drugs, ' , Toilet Articles,- y Fine Perfumery, SS7 Choice Cutlery, Jfegl Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Etc. :: .;.,..:, Qgp Doctors' Prescriptions jH&jt&jtjL Carefully Compounded by a H r - II Registered Pharmacist t BENJ. F. KNELL, Proprietor. "A man lUiag on a farm near heic carao In a short llmo ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I handed han-ded him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain llalin and told 1dm to use it freely and If not satisfied after usltig It he need not pay a cent for It," says C. I. IlaydW, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he walked Into tho store as brnU gilt as a string and handed me a dollar saying.'glvo me another bottle of Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Pain Halm. I want It In tho hoube all tho time for it cured me." For Salo hx AH Druggists. Mr. Joseph Pomlnyllle, of Stillwater. Minn., after lmvinp spent oyer 32,000 with tho best doctors for stomach trouble trou-ble without reljef, was advised by his druggist, M. Alox. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlaln'rt Stomach and Liver Tablets lie did eo, and Is a well man to-day. If troubled with indl. gostlon, bad taste In tho month, lack of appetite or constipation, glyo those Tablets a trial, and von at o certain to be moro than pleabed with tho result, price 25 cents por box. For Sale fey Ali DrufeglstB. OitUATLV ALAIIMUI) 11 n l'critMont Couch, but IVrnia- nuntty Rurod by ( limiiborlulu' CoiikIi ltuliunly. Mr, II, P, Rurbago, a student at law, lu Orceuyllle, S.C. had beon troubled for four or five years with a conttnous eough which he says, "greatly alarmed mo, causing mo to fear that I was lu tho first htago of consumption " Mr Rurbago, having open Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try It. Now read whyrl he sas of It; "I soon felt a remikablo change and after using two lottles of the twenty-Uvo cent size, wj,b permanently For sale by All Juists- ii ... ..I In almost every neighborhood some-oiie some-oiie has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often beforo medicine gould be procured or a physlcan sum moned. A reliably reniedy for these dlbeascs should bo kept at hand. The risk is too gieat for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Coljc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Diar-rhoea Itemed has undoubtedly saved tho lives of moro peoplo nnd relieved moro pain and suffering than any other mc(iclno in use. It ean always be dependpd upou. I'ov salo by AH Druggists. Taxpayers Take Notice. Notice is hereby given that a mooting of tho taxpayer in the Cedar School District will bo l)cld in tho District school house on the evaulni of Thursday Thurs-day May 7th commencing at 8, o'clock p. m. for tho purpose ot tnlcmg into conbideiutlon tho advisability of pro vidlng moro schpol room for tho district, distri-ct, uud for tho transaction of such other business as may pioperly eomo beforo the ineoting. l.v.'r) tnxpayer who has any inteiehts In thU important impor-tant mattor should by there. Ry order of tho boaul of Trustees. Wm. Uoik'Iiiwn Clerk. -- f'-. i Notice The Stockholders of tho Cedar City Co-opcrativo Mercantile- and Manufacturing Manufac-turing Institution of Cedar City Utah-are Utah-are hereby notltlcd that a kpeclal general gen-eral meeting of tho (.toekholdoib of said Institution will be held hi tho Cedar City Co op M. it M. I. Storo house, on Tuesday May 12th, 1003, com-ineneing com-ineneing at the hour of 8 o'clock in tho evening to tako Into consideration tho propriety of building a largor btoio house than the one now occupied! which is cousldeied by the directors too small for the business now being done. Hy order of tho Hoard of Directors. Dated ( ular City April 18th 1003. C. J. Arthur. Secretary and Treasurer. p.. ii Bring'your job rvoilt to Tub REOOiti -- V-1 ' riinf'wv?ir mm "Dr Mlddleton U busy as usual hum SSeP ng ).ho slok nnd alYllotud wio ilook fiun Jttt'$i all part fo '"ill th'-murl- of h 'fflWSI skin. mmk Xow Is your tluift to'sro tin prruit , Ha portuuhlet for Hutin iuina-f In It Msi ho. tldai" tii Roiburg and back ' Hl Lund for SIT. TC. ... IfllH . i . ,i i .i. ,,r iiH lmupl Adamsalittlo son qf Join Hl H. Adams, lias been very liny tho la few days with pneiunopiii, ho - t)t pic H ent holding his own aud good hope H aio entertained of h's recovery. H Airs. Strtnn Rrown of Minc'rayillo un H dorn en tan orjeratlnu last Monday, ti H the hands of Dr Middloton for a coin H plication of traublo. At present siu H Isfrht ;ocuvcrlug, and will -no douli H soop be aiound. A young limn .named Rawlips ot jH Mincrsvlllo was operated upon to-day H by Dr Middloton for the removal of t H cancer. Mr Rawlins uiidui went an op M eratlon for the same purposo soihe mon ths since In St Mars Hospital li Salt M Lake city but it has grawp again aud . H asumed largo proportions. Althougli H recurrenco in such cases is the rule', ,H Mr. Rawlins lb anxious to tnko tlio chancss of an cxcptlon to the rule, ' H i ' ... . Lots of Things Uolug on. B 1 I - ' miiiiiiiiiiiiii Developments in mlutdg distilcts, lH fixing of freight rates for wool and sa c forth, tho markets of tho country, and , a lot of other things, not to mention M thooponlng of the Prestdontal cam' H palgn of next yoar, contribute to raako B tho current nows of tho day extremely I important. Yea cannqt affortl to be H without the dnily news. The Salt Luke H I Trlbuno U tho m i ,,, eoinpletu tho rotla- H I bio dully newspaper between Deliver H I and the Paeiilo Blnpo. Tim pally and H I Sunday ibsues for 25 ccjitti a wbtk, SI. 00 H I a month, by carrier ot mall. The Semi M 1 Weekly Tribune, 31.50 a yeur. Sample H . 1 copies f roo. .. M I There was a biff ecnsatlou in Tcet MjM riUof Ina.'vjlVett W. 11, Brown'ot that k plttii.,aMioH-j Uxip'.pd 'tn-dlahau; H his life eaved bJlJrrif Infcfrxc.B.j J5B coFery for Consumption. iTo writes.' "I tR endured Insurlfeniblo ngonlca from Ask H ! thma but your "Now Discovery" gave me immediate relief and soon thereaf- H tor oilccted a complete cure, ijmllar cures qf Consumption, Ppeumonia, H Rrouchltls nnd Grip aro numerous. H It's tlio pecrlcGS remedy for all ' throat H aud lung troubles. Prion 60a, and $1,01 H Quainntccd by J. If. MoDonaJd Drug; H gist. Trial battle free. H At tho meeting 'in tho T.ibcrnaclo H last Sunday afernoon Risipp Robert Knoll of Pinto, made a veiy interesting H tak on his curly life, and the mapper in which tho gospel message uppealcd H to his sense ot reason apd agreed with H tho saripturcs as he understood them. Tho bpcakcp said that )io was aniembcp M of the church before he knew anything H about Jpseph Smith or his relation to H tho work, lie considered the law of H tithing a very easy law to understand, H and when he heard nun say that they H did nof understand it, ho thopght that . H they were limiting tho btatement us an H excuso for not pbfprvlpg it. Hud lived, in Pinto forty years aud beep bishop H tupnty years of the time H Tho Other Side H Ono of tho Sallpa bpys whp has beeq H led away by tho glowing accounts that M havo been published about the Alberta, H pouu(ry, has written an account of his. M impressipus to his mothcrj snd thti Sail M na Sun reports It as follows. "Tho fl wind blpws unceasingly, and blows with such force that a fellow outi hard HBi lykeep his feet, All the good land INK near any settlements has been taken UK up or is ow ned by some of tho irrlga W5 tlon compunles who offer it for sale at B5j SO, per acre. There Isn't a troo any 8RKf whero within the range of vision auq" 1? every bit of timber Including fence pKRw posts lins to bo bought ut fancy prices. fnfy Lumber soils at 83.'. per thousand, pwMr feet. Tho weather Is cold and disagree sEwr ublo and ho has worn his oercoat j?Biu'',f evory day slnco he hac beon In tho l,'M oountry People nro coming In by Ms- ( oxory train, tho last from Vopial, Utah. $$$i All look disappointed and many of FMifrri them have ulruady mado up thotr rain '?Mi d to quit tho country. fcVrti All the houses in Sterling nio framo J-MjP shucks, tho hotel being tho only pioten ffiy tious building in the plai e, a palace && containing twelve looms The Alberta t JKn-c country Is a good onu fur cattlo If a . c?9 man has ample moans to raak5 a Mart, . Stiffi uud when thut lt bald thexe H uothlng Utih to aaa. f B K.m ?? K .ii87) jui |