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Show SCRdOLtEVIEW. Tna Pbohokau Pxorxx DsuaiiTin. Friday. Feb, 27. 1891, being the-closing the-closing dHy of 'tl tlrst term of th l'aragoonah district school, a review of the exorcises Has held, About thirty ot. the pare: ta were uri-ent. After singing, prayer wa Offered by' Mr.L. bhoppu.ann, the teaehei 'ihu first exercise Into duerd'waa a spelling class of 18 boys. TbU class createu much' amusement ju teelmr how unxlouathe lltt'.e fellows were to clitch the word which they endeavored to spell with greut car.' 'A el.ss of 10 girls came next, followed t bv chuses 17 young ladies tnd 12 younn men on the some exeiciee. In reading much cre and study were shown by a cbws "of 13 boys ln,4lb, Keader. ' Alter the regular exercises, A. B.Bore was calUd out to read aL.ne, and rendered his se'.Vtloa In tlno style, these exerciseii,'ere followed by 'recitations 'reci-tations by Miss 0. Burton, Miss E. Wits,Mles Mary E, Bobineon, Jnhu L. Fretliero and others. '' It. A. ltobtnion, trustee, exprosBod hu oroat, pleasure and commended the Jbps ol the teavber1, considering he had dono atoob work during tho nhoit time he iwd taught and tho 111 convenieures agalnat wliUh he hud o trugule. The good onler of the- sehoxl and no complaluta having como to the trustee wcio us golden medals to tho teacher's executive ability, lie hened this stats of affair, would coutlnuo that tnu,1;11 H.00 nilght be doue. , ..! J?5Mi;t8d ho hud been well entertained for threo honrs and highly e njoyea wlmt ho had sceu aUd heard. Ue felt to thank Mr. Bi.oppnmnu very ' for th pains be nd Uaeu to educate the chlldreu iu tho different bronchus, and hopod the pupils would M.T'VVy,o''P.0tuu,ly 1 improvu not thev might b come Intelligent beings und g.d cl Iso, r,.un l.o-.oVtu their parents and couiiliy. ti.ti. Barton felt saipiliwd at the oreat udvancemeut i.t the school il'h) toriK ?! kiiOW,edtt.0lhaJ, beBr Imparted by Iho tearher uul ho deJred it to be ro mewtered and appreciated" ( J0.""" V, l rl . ""' " - balrmnu ol trus-goo trus-goo wder. r U'011 ttlU'nan,,c0 Iw-Sir11" Cl0iC,l " ' h "' K ' K and .. Ai'r. Kdoll'"nif . will eotiHiMi,. at, tbtr . ...'., , 4 |