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Show COFFEE NEURALGIA. Leaves When You Quit and Use Pos-turn. Pos-turn. A lady who unconsciously drifted into norvous prostration brought)On by coffco, says: "I have boon a coffee drinker all my life, and used It regularly, three times a day. "A year or two ago I became subject sub-ject to nervous neuralgia, attacks of nervous headache and goneral norvous nor-vous prostration which not only incapacitated in-capacitated mo for doing my housework, house-work, but frequently mndo it necessary neces-sary for mo to remain In a dark room for two or threo days at a time. "I omployod sovoral good doctors, one after tho other, but nono of them was ablo to glvo mo permanent relief. "Eight months ago a friend suggested sug-gested that perhaps coffeo was tho caiiBO of my troubles and that I try Postum Food Coffee and glvo up tho old kind. I am glad I took her advice, for ray health has been entirely restored. re-stored. I havo no moro neuralgia, nor havo I had ono solitary headacho In all theso eight months. No moro of my days aro wasted In solitary confinement con-finement In a dark room. I do all my own work with easo. Tho flesh that I lost during tho years of my nervous prostration has come buck to mo during theso months, and I am onco more a happy,, healthy woman. I en-dose en-dose a list of nnmes of frlonds who can vouch fof tho truth of tho statement," state-ment," Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Ten days' trial leaving off coffeo and .using Postum Is sufficient. All grocers. |