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Show WIRE TALK COSTS MUCH MONEY $19,000 Spent In Cables One Day's Record for the Peace Envoys. Thnt making peaco Is an nctlvo llfo Is Illustrated by tho dally programme of work of tho peace envoys and their suites, Bays tho Now York Telegram. Out8ldo tho session overy ono connected con-nected with tho work has continuous and taxing occupation with but fow hours, for rest and practically nono for recreation. An Idea of tho volume of cables which aro dally sent to Europo and the far east may bo had from statement state-ment that ono cable company handled ?19,000 worth of business Including dispatches from both the Russian and Japanese peacemakers, from Its headquarters, head-quarters, at Portsmouth. Both Bides aro very keen in tho mat-tor- of their facilities for communication. communi-cation. Tho heavy tax on tho local telephone wires mado It Impossible for them to get quick service between the hotol and their conferenco rooms In tho navy yard, and complaint waB made, with tho result that Secretary Polrco had two direct telephono systems sys-tems Installed between theso points, ono for tho Russians and ono for tho Japanese. |