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Show Ze Impossible Language. ' "Ah, zo Eengllsh languago. eot ees impossible," a Frenchman Baid to a friend. "For oxamplc zo English host fills up his glass, rihe". holding It out to you, saying, 'Here's to-ypu-and zon drinks himsolf. I can iimko nozing of eot. Anuzzor oxami'l1! Ven I was crossing zo Channel In so-top berth was an Englqesh gentleman, qn(i j was in zo lower ono; it waa.yery storiny and zo Eongjlsh gontlcman.hobecamo very 111. 2uddorily ho cos,' 'Llook out there,' vlch't naturally "'CH'tliiniy friend, 't'TbgY6ttetr dolnf VCry, mu'chV'if-Tllb'TattlW. "aWV |