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Show I Counting Chickens Before They're ' Hatched Ro-jost vous-ky and Neb-ogn-tolf K Sailed north in tho China aoa; B ' Whilo thoy drank good wlno "" ' And laughod and jokod, as happy as thoy could bo. "Oh, whoro aro you going?" ti soa gull askod, N As bo winkod tho other oyo. "Wo aro looking for Toga," tho Russians said, 'And well find him byo and byo " And just lot us wblspor in your oar-ovitob oar-ovitob that wbon wo do find him wo will give blm a wallopingaky that will hold him for awhiloaky. He's a dudoBky, anyway. Just wait till wo got a obanoo nt those tubekys that bo calls a flootovltch." On and on tho Russluns stoamed, Hut Togo kopt out of sight; "IIo's nfrald," thoy oriod, "for ho knows ho'll bo , Iif a sorry plight When wo fall upon him, and so ho Bought To glviv us the slip; but, then, ah mo. Just wait till wo oatoh him tho sly dog, Wait a woo bit, and then you'll soo - Woll,, let us remark again that wo will oortnlnly put Toga to tho bndaky In about a mlimtoo,vlal Why Honsky it will bo like taking noorns from a- blind pigflky Just as easy asv whipping the North Sea fish lug smaokeovitoh." Ou a foggy morn the Russians reaohod An isle in Koroa strait, Whon thoy soonted daugor, "We're . trappod 1" thoy oriod. And thoy didn't havo long to wait, For shot uud Bholl llko a rain from boll Poured over their hnploss boats. Whilo orlos of victory roaobod their earn From thousands of llttlo brown throutH. And tnlk about going somol Tboro was nothing to it but tho Japs. It was liko shooting llsb in muddy I waters; it wasn't a battlo it was sim ply u slaughter with tho Mikado's men ou, tho long end. Twenty two Russian boats dived and forgot to oome back. U) , . Woll, really, throo isn't muoh moro to toll, For tho Russians uro down and out, And tho "Llttlo Whlto Father" we call him Czar Doosu't know what bo's about. Tho moral wo wn.it ouo and horo It is: To make bare soup, your haro first I catch, For it's dangorous, you know, and always was, To count your choklons boforo thoy batoh. Now, that will bo about all, except to add that tho Strait of Koroa fight was ouo of tho greatest of whioh history his-tory will ovdr toll ,and that you can't stalk door successfully with a brass band. Rojostvousky, ploaso take notoie. Eugono Traughbor in S. L. Tolo-gram. |