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Show aK J( .ACiiAHbn for the bettr hai taken 5H uj place with, the Mantl pewspapers. Tile jljTO I ijnn I'eto Tree iVcsrr bos bebn purchased fS'il N. 1', ITelson, former occrctary to SKrA CongressnJa(i fioUthbrland, Who has also jB il leased the Muittl MoEengcr nntii Jan, 1, IjgS'ijn , 1 005, and the two papprs will bji eptJ- j J'f solldatetl. Mr. tauber 'of the M.esceu' ilmit er' w10 ' 0l,e M'" neaust printers Mr ' W iho ' state, ' Will have,, charge Sgwir Sl of 'the rierclianirjai dep'artraenL It is Wfa tinneceisary toutato that .tliqnev papct a i ' vlll be rcfmbHcari Tn politii , |