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Show NEW WORDS IN OUR LANQUAQE. Coined Expressions Guaranteed to Puzzle tho Ordinary Citizen. New words, many of which are not found in the dictionaries, are cropping up to puzzle proofreaders. Tho introduction intro-duction of tho automobile has developed develop-ed tho term "garago," which is frequently fre-quently used. It slgntflos a place whoro automobile parts are stored, to bo assembled, or brought togcthor when required. "Grog" is a term used by builders to designate broken brick. "Savage," as a verb, originated- on the raco course, and Is now used In coursing circles. It signifies to mako a vicious, unprovoked attack usually by a stallion or a dog. "Ilackct storo" is used in commercial commer-cial circles to designate a storo often opened for tomporary usrj in which cheap goods aro sold at "bargain prices." It some times includes what are usually termed "notions." Typographical Typo-graphical Journal. |