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Show A New Hlnliig Cqrnpany. Within tho nci;t two or three days ho artloles of Incorporation of the Jlullion Canyon Mining Cnmpouy will have been filed with tho county ye-cordcr. ye-cordcr. Tho company hao capitalized at 8303,000, 31 per share being tho par valus af the stocr, a limited amount of which will ha disposed of to defray the expense of developing the property, at figures commensurate with tho present stugc of tho undertaking. Tho property of the company Is situated situ-ated in Ilulllon Canyon, this county, aud is being developed by means of a tunnel in which two men are employed. Tho group comprises eight claims, from ull of which tho veins crop prominently. promi-nently. Assays have been made running run-ning as high as 73 per cent lead, be sides carrying considerable gold and silver. sil-ver. The entire country is said tb be covorcd with the rich float. Quo ledge of galena ore is said to be 100 feot thiol,, and it is believed that when depth is attained thiu will all merge into the rich stuff described abovo. At all eyents it is a showing that justifies tho expenditure of considerable money, and a glance ut the personnel of the company will convinco the most skeptical skep-tical that they tncdn business. The uames of tho officers and directors follow: fol-low: President, George W. Mlddleton; vlce-I'rcbldent, J. 1'. Richards; secretary, secreta-ry, Lenora C. Pallcy, directors, Henry V. Lunt, Elijah Smith, p. II. Ryan and Win, II. Corry. Tho locators of the property were Wm, II. Corry, J. R. Rlokards, C. II. Ryan and J. Smith, though It has beea I worked in a desultory. unsystematic manner for a number f years, n-tftrj hope a fortune, awaits thq development of the ground for cacli member ot tfic compapy. |