Show S L SA j 0 1 after taK in I 1 IV t 8 V getable beet comp aund le Y asas T have r e r 14 ste sl lydia E pink T 1 hams vegetable 11 do ic comp compound aund with great benefit I 1 feel it my duty to write I 1 and tell you about IL it V I 1 was ailing from fe r i mate male ve weakness ond and j F had headachy head bead acho and am backache nearly all theme Iwa I 1 was later slater ws decry month than I 1 y should havo have boon been to go to bcd an I 1 F vegetable com a c bide ae me well and theae trout jappe ared liko in a gi C A I 1 on the compound to cen who have used it ft success alms jias J STACY STAM RFD K F D Bangor agor N Y another made ekr mich lyda lydia E pink septable compound d casdone has idono a forme for me for years year s I 1 suffered with hemorrhages a and W ha 10 intense that sometimes I 1 would in 1 1 I bad had female weakness 64 t I 1 I 1 bad to doctor all tho the tima found relief until I 1 took eles to please my husband end wonderful medicine aderer as I 1 think it is a blessing tam mra mrs L E WYCKOFF we Ishley st ann arbor mich need rd be no doubt about the yet d lb grand old remedy made L bots nots ad herbs of our fields to was diseases we possess a of proof of this fact enough nee the most skeptical why pa try ft WIL causes cams and s many s it is thoroughly curee by i clemat pellet the tho favorite kudal aar adr A syrup for children 11 11 the bums reduces In flammi m a note wind colac A a bottle A dy people kindly and 3 ou will wl uen easler to 0 ork rk OSE RHEUMATIC TWINGES of the rbee P c pia plin that P ts in in dimp 0 0 PR q weather is is amt A of unc r or taSa afta dat i F f ibea 42 the af al tude joint mt td va ul heads IDA dourb b of odthe tho trine a lime to help th e legie tel cilc adly idney help h ILA in ore ILL an C ase 1010 aut kirst I 1 MY buk dmd 9 ahir abd I 1 the kidney secre 1 ask l no to strite e paea pam ey we y cju rd won loara kidney pills how ana trouble and for cora 7 cure alas t permanent anta 0 ANT A 7 S store K inoc PILLS I 1 a 0 D do N X E y 22 a wy so oan V 10 U circling wave 4 o 0 a ae kertu 1 andt 1111 A tb clr X boo M tt its dovel ia another of I ellet ou sl e magic daws the 4 ride k 6 t b 6 rance jp when weir made n m 0 u 0 n 11 Y AU th ZVI TI no all y ou one t me rat lb t tb send YOU ways im ya sin at arvin X jr wils I 1 laub N UC to cat ate r he y to as and I 1 k T IV ellmo q C josts 0 less than a two cent postage stamp an average of less than a coot cent and i third a pair Is paid for tho the use of all aur machines in making two thirds of 0 tho the shoos shoes produced in tho the united ass assuming that all our ma mit chinos aro used the most that can bu be paid for the uso use of all our machines in tho the highest priced shoes Is loss less t than an f jo I 1 cents a pair the average royalty on all kinds of shoes Is less than 92 3 cents a pair prom from thid we get our solo sole return for tho the manufacture and of tho the machines for setting thorn them up in factories and keeping thorn them in order you pay two tuo cents for a postage stamp or a yeast cake and alve cents for a car fare and dont miss it where do you got more for your money than in buying in a machine mado made ahoo shoe write us and wo we will tell you all about it tho the united shoo machinery company boston mass blass adv INTENSE ITCHING witti WITH raisa RASH 1 W st L ans I 1 9 angeles cal the skin affection began a 1 itha red colored rash on ray my right leg and gre gradually dually spread to other cartr oc ot roy my body then small pimples appeared and later se several cral bolls on my leg tho the skin around tho bolls was nas at first bright red and afterwards became darker colored the clothing irritate Irrl tat ed the sores the pain caused ner Tous ness and losa loss of sleep and the itching was intense after using various remedies for about six montha I 1 saw how a person afflicted with skin disease was cured by using Cuti cura soap and ointment 1 t I bathed the sores with Cuti cura soap and hot water and then applied Cuti cura ointment and after about six months constant treatment the sores gradually healed leav leaving tho the skin soft and smooth soap soad and ointment effected a complete c cure ure 11 signed H A robinson feb Cuti cura soap and ointment sold cold throughout the world sample of each free with 32 1 p skin boole book address post postcard card Cuti cura dept 4 L boston 01 adv ady womans oman Y s beauty is is based on health to have health dowel bowel movement is absolutely Nece necessary how best to obtain it if it omans beauty defended dov ended upon cosmetics every women bould bo be a picture of loveliness but beauty lies deeper than that it lies in health in tho the majority of cases tho the basis of health and tho the cause of sickness con can bo traced to tha action of the boels the headaches tho the lassitude tho the sallow skin and the lusterless oyos eyes are usually duo to constipation so many things that omon momen do habitually conduce to this trouble they do not cat carefully they cat indigestible foods because tho the foods aro served daintily and they do not exercise enough but whatever the particular cau cause so may be it Is important hat that tho the con condition should bo be corrected an ideal remedy to women and ono one especially suited to their delicate requirements quire ments li ii dr Caldw ellB syrup pepsin which thousands of women endorse highly ls B jennie Sned oker 1041 west almonr fg st SL chicago teet fi flea cis that sho site Is cured of grave stomach and bowel troubles by using syrup pepsin and without tho the aid of a doc doe tor or any other medicine all tho the family can uso use syrup pepsin for thousands of mothers give it to babies and children it Is also admirably suited to the requirements of elder elderly lyt people in fact to all choby who by reason of age or infirmity cannot stand harsh salts ca thartice pills or purgatives purga tives these should always be avoided for at best their effect Is only for that day while I 1 despondent have you 1 tongue ten erue bitter tuto uste la in the heartburn belc belchine hinc of eu aw told id ris ri n into in throat af terest tine me or burn bum foul breath dizzy opt acue rc poor appetta appetite A torpid liver Is I 1 the trouble in buoo nitin cae cases out of ten dr pierces Pier cers golden medical discovery Is a anost trident liver Iny lconA tom stova ach tonic bowel regulator lator wi Vs su war amr Drus sitt c caa un supply yoa 00 W N U salt lake city no 16 1913 FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fc for backache rheumatism kidney kidneys aad and bladder thay ana IN QUALITIES w I 1 AUSEng BEC CONTAIN NO HABIT FORMING DRUGS jsang sunk zung AND aasc OU MONEY WHY OR CHICKS DIE names writa for of 7 book me d gln th e at beauf use chicks ft send and us book atee r casau slack L aw arr jennie On edeker a genuine remedy liko syrup acts mildly but permanently it can bo be conveniently obtained at any drug antoro at fifty cents or bonev on dollar a bottlo bottle results are alway always guaranteed or money will bo be refunded you will find it gentle in action ant in taste and free from cri pios its tonic properties havo have a value to women it Is tho the most widely used lacativo tonio in america today and thousands of families aro nov without it I 1 if it no member of your family fasot ever used syrup pepsin and yoe would liko like to make a personal trial oct oc it before buying it la in tho the regular waya ray of a boond your addreal m w postal will do to dr W D cala t well washington st Blont Celle and a freo free sample bottlo will bas b majied you VV I 1 a ED acm LAS COW I 1 3 2 0 3 5 0 aa 4 00 44 5 go AND 00 oo SHOES AM FOH FOR MEN AND WOMEN e V aa L SHOES in the WORLD 2 00 82 60 and 83 00 the largest lars reat mk m k rs of men metes and shoes hoe in the world ak tour dealer to bow show you nj M I 1 douglas Doii elai 94 00 ati aud 94 84 CO 50 shoes hoe just as good in tylo ailt it and leavas Tre araj oth other r was es costin 9 00 to a 97 7 00 24 1 atlie the only difference in the price in a all 1 A leather leathers estyl tyl and tripas to suit every everybody bolly it you rould could v vlast 1 sit W L douglas 11 larf arcs fac facto 0 A 4 sa ries at brockton rockton If and see for yourself how carefully AV IF b L douglas aldoes are made 41 you would then understand unde reland why they are j L iv to ht tb better look better hold their shapo nad we t longer than any other make for the tb price j 0 A it 17 I 1 s oboes boe are not inot for axle ta la sotir dalty vanity 0 order aou direct arni irni re n tb b factory ana UT vo the tho a shoes hoe for eloit meiti herot the family to illy st 1 l 11 all II by vayl I 1 post r ot esufe poet free 7 rite loloa Ln loa ii L aiu bow you bow how to order br buku TAKE NO and why you can save money rhoney on your fc substitute IV r DOUGI GAft M a is tw to tam SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES S al ion foe rue the eatla powder 1 warene tender nervous fee feeland tand aars tho ting 31 torne cod end benlor K 0 greatest comfort of ape alters A ease makes tight or dew new bos feet aff ezar it is to I 1 mw collel tor for swe swenung aUng callons callo swoll u idling feet use it to break in haw abow try vt ut today bold sold everywhere 25 cents dons oed a o 0 apsy substitute for trial 11 bockx jackam adress alien allen 8 le hoy boy X Y SPECIAL TO WOMEN do you realize tho fact that thousand of women are now using A soluble te antiseptic powder as a remedy for foj mucous mucous membrane mem brano sc ar factions lucli ac soro throat nasal ov ow pelvic catarrh inflammation or ulcer ta tion caused by female ills women who have been cured bay it is wort k its weight in gold dissolve in water and apply locally for ten years tho lydia B E pinkham medicine co bas haw recommended baxtine in their private correspondence with women for all hygienic and toilet uses it has no equal only a largo box at brur fists or sent postpaid on receipt of price the paxton toilet co boston j mass na ina used to LO wlter enat access CHROMIC LOST homr A U TIM ASKs volsan riles 11 NO DRUGGISTS of MAIL SL r 4 9 CO M AM TORONTO W rox YOU fit K BOOK TO DK Ds L aso AIRD CO IIA rb Q tay KA TU to TAX tam sabit A 0 la 15 LA tin a c wr THAT MARKED WORD 5 STAMM almaa FL TO ALL rAc uxa GALL al I 1 W nga HOME a K wo no oil 0 IA iw eto 1 ou ali ru A ta ay book QUA 11 ce C dayt us ble va money oiling our double Do ae As 11 tao aton uyer 1111 jn abo tt aa aa for Q fin f size a ean quo conr term to aena ekr 7 ft au agents maats almo aboe polish outfit with fm quick repeater anoney lark BE MASTER 6 1 a b uin ut 0 own baur DC 1 big dormu sena ar strain dept 70 7 boz 1 lou bla 0 3 I 1 aloe arx 1 TO bedle emple a sepe baat known aj aul wul or cats cat quickly boa r yourself yoa nelT runold U U lag 18 IL 8 ac aie abbs I 1 iru CAUD tell tall tour a swi other fonn nee IU a sla arm ten CO ats diw u a r 1 I 1 15 veterinary C erg 9 trilda I 1 formale ora tulas 1 l co all il P any asir buirt A B rt P PUTNAM V FADEL FADELESS SS DYE DY brighter ald A alws I 1 ban my one az fibel cm w color goob spam writs for fm booklet mew to advil A Ls acl dm y dye any ear t DRUG it A |